General Discussion

General Discussion[Peru - Very High Skill] Recruiting players to form a professional team

[Peru - Very High Skill] Recruiting players to form a professional team in General Discussion
Yo Sheka el bajo

    - Form a team competitive and recognized internationally
    - Participate and win national and international tournaments

    - Improve your game
    - I have a contact who is interested in sponsoring a team of Dota 2

    Seriousness and desire to play at the professional level
    Availability to practice 25 hours a week
    MMR Individual or Group: 4500 or higher

    If you are interested and meet the requirements add me to talk to you about the next steps.

    * Tests begin on Monday.

    I attached a screenshot of my current account:


    - Formar un equipo competitivo y reconocido a nivel internacional
    - Participar y ganar torneos nacionales e internacionales

    - Mejorar tu nivel de juego
    - Tengo un contacto que está interesado en auspiciar a un equipo de Dota 2

    Seriedad y deseos de jugar a nivel profesional
    Disponibilidad para practicar 25 horas a la semana
    MMR Individual o Grupal: 4500 o superior

    Si estás interesado y cumples con los requisitos agrégame para comentarte los siguientes pasos.

    *Las pruebas inician el lunes.

    Adjunto una captura de mi actual cuenta:


      can u get a sponsor as sub 6k average team in NA?

      Livin' Real Good

        Probably just knows people that own their own business, and are willing to support his cause, obviously not real esports sponsors, still pretty cool though.

        Some Graffit/art shop sponsored me and my friend for skateboarding back in 2010 (Analigital) just cause he respected our passion.

        4.5 though? Why not try to get 6K, then think about getting serious? You might not fully understand what it takes I think.

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          professional 4k mmr team xDD

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            goodluck m8


              God, my profile looks better and I know that I'm far from being professional yet.
              But I guess the guy got the sponsorship offer and just couldn't miss it, and I can understand that.

              Giff me Wingman

                professional 4k team? what the fuck

                Yo Sheka el bajo

                  @TripleSteal- No, sorry it is a small local company and it is still under discussion

                  @York my account is new because the previous was hacked when I stopped playing, I was about 6000 MMR (5700). One of the requirements would be minimal 6k, but would not be consistent to ask when I still have not reached that "achievement." By the way, I won some tournaments in my country before having good mmr.

                  @aFeect minimum

                  @Obiwan Thank you, bro.

                  @AlltSKOP I do not usually compare myself with other role players, can you tell me please what is better in your profile? By the way, I'm not taking bad your comment; I just want to learn to compare


                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    I was looking at the lifetime stats from the screenshot you provided as well as at MMR. I'm guessing you play a lot as a support, and that's why some stats like kDa or GPM are pretty low, no big deal then.
                    Anyway, good luck.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!