General Discussion

General DiscussionRikimaru

Rikimaru in General Discussion

    Guys i need some guide on playing this hero as a roamer. What is your goal on early game and mid game. How would u survive on late game using this hero. When would u focus on getting your item after roaming or just roam until the end of game.

    I did look for guide on youtube but most of them is out date.

    Any tricks or tips on skill build and item build on early game and late game will do.

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      oov tango sentries as starting build
      max 2 and 3, fuck q
      go to safelane camps asap to safely spot enemy offlaner warding them and get that ward, then try to steal opponents' rune if they have no dusts or multiple disables - just sentries wont be enough to catch you. after that camp mid and sometimes offlane, destroy their sentries, avoid showing up on enemies' minimap to create uncertainty and limit their moves. place deep observer wards and snipe cour, if u can.
      default itembuild is oov, blyadstone, phase boots, diffus, into anything (in most cases - blink, sny, basher, manta, or bkb).


        riki is trash dont pick trash cuz you'll lose trash


          Rush diffu and basher sont forget bring sentry. Ez kill


            Rush Dagon and rapier


              fantom riki BibleThump

              M u r d e r

                why noone even suggest medallion/solar crest? i find that early game armor reduction (especially in ulti when u can avoid medallion backlash armor) is highly effective in taking kills.

                But yeah not for roaming i guess

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                  I like this hero a lot but in late game i always become food to enemy. Is it worth to die for ur mid laner while trying to gank enemy midlaner so ur midlaner can kill the enemy midlaner?

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    yeah. pos 1/2 > pos 4 so take that trade whenever you can. starved riki dead better than fat midlaner dead.

                    also in my experience as a underfarmed roaming riki it's best to not initiate with your blink strike since mana may be scarce during long, drawn-out highground sieges or general standoffs. cast cloud in the middle of the shit if you arent supposed to cancel channels. save your cloud for any channels such as cm/bane and do that. after you cast cloud stay in the middle while right clicking the enemy hero facing backwards to you. dont mind those focusing you your damage is shit anyways better take advantage of the backstab. when you're getting low or heroes with long chain stuns are coming use your ulti asap to disjoint or just hide. after that depending on the success of the situation clean-up some kills with that blink strike you saved. or escape with, you guessed it, that blink strike you saved.

                    if your team has some form of sustain, you can initiate with blink strike since the cd is short but dont be generous in using it even in late game you can run out of mana. be efficient in your resource spending.


                      basically what triple said, but i think tranquils are very good for a roamer.

                      speed+hp regen for when you harass lanes.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        ns opinion but makes sense to me

                        M u r d e r

                          i think only reason to go phase is to avoid body blocking the enemy at wrong time. coz agi treads give you 20dmg and 30+as u know .


                            wow its like u read the ability descriptions or something. cloud silences so use it on cm / bane's channeled abilities and backstab deals extra damage if attacking from behind, so attack people from behind. PogChamp

                            not even basic tips like placing cloud at the edge of an enemy so that they have to stay in the cloud longer if you've anticipated their movement correctly, or place it so that they're facing the center of the cloud so that they still need to turn around to get out through the shortest path.

                            e.g. if ur ganking mid lane early on, the most likely outcome is the enemy runs to their tower as soon as they react to the cloud. so if u place it closer to the enemy tower, it slows the enemy for longer. if they take the shorter path to get out the cloud asap that probably results in more damage by furthering them from the safety of their tower so u get more attacks in and/or they walk into your creeps and tank them.

                            if you're against someone who wants to get out of the silence so they can use escape abilities e.g. AM, qop, storm, WR, placing the 60% of the cloud in front of them and 40% behind is better than 50/50. if they continue moving forward then they have more distance to cover to get out of the cloud compared to if they were in the middle, if they take the "shorter" path, they take just as long because turning around takes time.

                            fyi u don't initiate with blink because early on it has a high enough cooldown where u can't use it twice and means u can miss out on potential extra damage if the enemy gets away and u can't chase with blink to get a few more hits in.


                              u get phase cos riki is slow as fuck so it helps you move around the map faster too. tranquils also help u move around the map faster so they're good too.

                              in most situations the marginal dps of treads over phase won't outweigh moving around the map faster as a roaming hero because moving aroud the map faster is useful 100% of games while the % of kills missed because you have phase instead of treads is <100 and even in those games, there will probably be kills that would have been missed with treads that phase would have gotten.

                              dont get aquila. medallion will do more damage, or urn will do similar if not more dmg with the urn charges but also give you and teammates sustain. building into vlads is not a valid reason to get it either. you don't see cm's or other supports building basi early on because they foresee buying vlads 30 minutes later for the team.

                              even if teamates already have both, then just skip aquila. you can stil get medallion if your teammate with their medallion is going to build a solar crest, because the debuffs stack so you can get +/- 17 armour onto a target.


                                Christ.. ive read the guide for 1min and its basically the typical cliché #normal skill #retarded, like what the fuck is going on mentally with ppl who write those ? do they even know what they are talking about or just fast-google how to play riki and copy paste the first thing they see.

                                +phase is shit u guys watch too much tv #"we'pros'maxsmooke". if u wanna win pubs u go tranquilboots.

                                i cant help you, its all about experience u need to figure out shit by urself, anything i could say is rly obvious, rush diffu dont ever go echo sabre and kill ppl all the time. diffu urslef if they have dust and will kill you, else keep it, u can also ult before they dust so they waste it, wat else.. when you are going to gank and u dunno if theres a sentry just aggro creeps to check it, so u dont stand 1h on this lane like an ape and then realise they know ur there. pressure all map so they feel like they could die anytime whenever ur missing so ur allies have psychological adventage, dont hesitate to steal xp from ur offlane even if hes flaming you for leeching for ur lvl 2-3. never max smoke like those handicapped guys you watch on stream, they dont play the same game.
                                always be moving, i actually use lots of mangos early, rly good to keep stomping without stops, i do aquila sometimes but its like phase, only if ur allies leaves a lane for you and u can actually farm a bit. and last tip which isnt a tip, but if u wanna win with riki you need brain maphack, always know where ur ennemies are going to go when you lose their sight and intercept em there.(something 99.9999% of ppl lack, i guess only the geniuses got this capacity) ive met only one guy in my life who could actually read the game and follow my moves #nongrata.


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                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    Do the Phantom Riki build. Rush dagon then rapier. Your main goal is to kill a lot of heroes. Win or lose it doesnt matter as long as you kill them.

                                    By doing this, you might get the feat Phantom Riki only did: a +25 mmr in a losing team. Even valve knows how to respect the man, the myth, the legend.


                                      ????????????????? ppl ask to play riki and u listen to scrubs?


                                        with tranquils u dont scale that well into the lategame, and rely too much on ur team. thats exactly what ppl in competitive are more likely to do.
                                        well, both are kinda ok.

                                        thats definetely not what riki players in 6ks do in the current patch

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                                          just do ur best to win the lanes for ur team .. and rememebr u die ez from nukes


                                            why would you listen to scrubs who aren't even top 100 riki?

                                            M u r d e r

                                              why not just buy Desolator :^) and of course the Blink Dagger

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                                                I dont know u can purge the dust using diffusal on yourself. Thanks for that info.

                                                Just finish playing riki and forced to play against slark as solo offlaner, damn son i cant even touch the creeps in peace. If slark dark pact and pounce its over for me. All the team blame me for losing against that slark while we have jungler. What do u guys think about riki offlane. Did i pick this hero on the wrong time?

                                                Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican


                                                  I would only go offlane Riki in conjunction with lets say a Dark Seer. Especially against enemy safe laners who depend on a good start to dominate mid game e.g. Drow line-ups. But then again, you are supposed to win your lane, if not its almost a gg. As solo off it just seems too risky most of the times and kinda screws over the potential he has very early.

                                                  I prefer the pos4 roaming Riki. Triple's start is the most common indeed, but as of follow up; I would go another route most of the time. Tranquils is the safest boots choice and should be the ones you get if your start isn't going that well, if you are doing well or your team heavily lacks damage both phase and threads are good options. One item I mostly get on roaming Riki, which oddly no one has mentioned yet, is Wind Lace, probably one of the strongest and most efficient early/mid item there is atm. Rain drops and/or a wand are also very strong on a hero with a low health pool and susceptible for nukes and are definitely worth considering. Urn, drums and RoAq are all good midgame items on the hero, but also situational. For more late orientated Diffusal is pretty much THE core item, after that SnY, Echo and Skull basher are items on your wishlist. BKB is probably too expensive but hey if you need it and have the gold for it as a pos4, go ahead and get it. Two more items people usually dont get but I think are really nice on pos4 Riki would be blink and vlads, so try it out.

                                                  starting skillbuilds would be:
                                                  E > W > Q If you need your blink for your lvl 2 gank
                                                  E > Q > W If you need you smoke for lvl 2 gank
                                                  After that you either max Q if your team heavily depends on it, then E, then W. Or max E, then W, then Q if you are going for damage. Skill build is probably the hardest part, since Riki can go a lot of different ways with it and it all depends on the game really.

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                                                    ^yes solo offlane is absolutely bad i think. This is my 1st time playing riki as solo offlane and its absolutely bad. Im trying to punish the jungler but our team also has jungler. Theres nothing much solo riki can do in laning phase.
                                                    Thanks for the tips.

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                                                      bunch of shitty kids trying to ddos riki winrate and make him get buffed


                                                        @pablo @rankiro

                                                        Theres nothing much solo riki can do in laning phase.


                                                        Player 175043649

                                                          ^ make riki guide u fuck


                                                            ^^u are good i believe but u are annoying. Trying to look cool.


                                                              i bet you my left nipple that riki is gonna get nerfed before TI


                                                                if u lane riki just try to xp dont even try to hit a creep if it means u'r gonna die, when ur xp advantaged enough go for the kill

                                                                and smoke lvl 2 is better than blink, way much more impact it can actually secure a kill wheras blink couldnt.

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                                                                  Yes, i have 5k friends that told me its hard to play offlane sometime u just take the exp and dont bother about last hitting if u know u will die. But i got reported because of that. I dont know how to deal with this situation i got tilted and report them back lul.

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