General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA to carries playing vs me or any PA in general

PSA to carries playing vs me or any PA in general in General Discussion

    Get a silver edge, not a mkb, this is kinda sad at this point

    Pale Mannie

      people still rushing mkb first?


        Normal Skill :P

        fishy boi

          Lisin hir, i buy silver edj bloodturn mkb and destroy ur lyf with Apache hlicuptur. U get r3kt gg m8

          doc joferlyn simp

            why tf would a silver edge be better than mkb as dusa


              tf how can you get VHS bracket in AD


                How can anyone have PA as their most played hero? I'd be bored as f.


                  why would you get silver edge LMFAO literally useless.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    it mutes crit and evasion, pretty much everything PA does


                      only for 5 seconds, and it doesn't work if they turn on BKB, so it's useless in every teamfight.

                      and even if you're focusing/ganking her or something she will just jump to a creep/ally for 5 seconds.

                      if you're like, slardar or something, it might be worth rushing over force or w/e, but if you're a carry, get the fuckin mkb

                      also apparently i missed the part in 6.86 where they made silver edge not-dispellable.

                      anyways, it's still a shit item for any carry who would carry mkb

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        Considering how shit PA is and how easy it is to kill her, 5 seconds is a lot

                        sin blyadi

                          Is pa a hero? i heard she only sucks


                            I think vanguard deso is the best build for pa in most cases.


                              you beat people because their positioning sucks, not cuz of the item they rush. If you build SE against good players theyll always have detection to stop you from using it on PA.


                                Well half the time you'd use it in team fights to kill pa, not to always gank her

                                Dire Wolf

                                  silver edge is only good if it's a good item on you in the first place. I am not buying a silver edge on sven for example over my blink but will go mkb.


                                    Its good if u use hero that naturally use shadow blade like slark. PA cant fight back bcause its disable his passive and reduce the damage. But bkb will be a problem.


                                      I like how most ppl that uses a hero as their profile pick is a hero spammer


                                        Haha echo saber pa what a noob

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