General Discussion

General DiscussionHas anyone calibrate at 2k but climb to 5k or 4K??

Has anyone calibrate at 2k but climb to 5k or 4K?? in General Discussion

    As the topic


      I've heard some people have but np idea.

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        I started at 3070.


          i started at 1k, currently 5-6k

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            Yes, I started at 1900 (november 2014) . Now I have 4650.
            Please don't create new account. Try to up mmr on your main.

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              *i started at 1k , curently 5k-6k and now im here just for your MONEY

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                As far as I remember from back in the day DD sama was around 3k smth now he's 7.2


                  what do you mean?

                  Mr. Nice Guy

                    started at 1200,now i m 3.8k. started to try and climb like an year ago


                      U guy so inspired me ty ty


                        this guy not even calibrate at 1k


                          went from 1.4k to 4.6k but on int ranked i'm 5k atm

                          Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                            Started at 2.4k climbed to 4k

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                            yung griphook

                              what did you work on specifically to climb that high?


                                specifically worked on dota2

                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                  ^money collecting on the side( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                    I was 2.3k now I'm double that


                                      was 2.7k, now 4k but tilting hard lel


                                        3998 calling himself 4k ...TRASHHH


                                          honestly i dont need to post this up, could have just moved on just like any encounter with someone who flames just for the sake of flaming, but i feel that you need something to shut you up

                                          but hey, flamers find their way to do their things, like "ohhhh mr. boarderline 4k wait till i calibrate my no. 69 smurf i will show you the world of 5k", there's no ending to their creativity (a.k.a stupidity)


                                            only whats impressive is rampages ...but most of them are from 2k bracket :(


                                              all the ppl who are currently 7 or 8k, were at teh skill level of 1k at some point, just for the majority it was so long ago, that ranked system jsut didnt exist back then.


                                                Heads-up, those rampages are from bot games, which due to some reasons valve thinks it is a good idea to compile them up with PVP games. Surprised?

                                                I hope no, because that would have been yet another good point to continue flaming on me (for strange reason that you are somehow now picking on me). Go on


                                                  Started at 2025 mmr now 3950 . I just wanted to get 3k now I'm knocking on 4k


                                                    My kiddo, calibrated originally at 1,8k, yesterday met SingSing. :D

                                                    True story bro! And I do have the db link to prove it.

                                                    I think hes 4,9k now, peak at 5,1 but says he can get higher.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      started at 2.9 now 4.9 (ti) but not impressive for allmost 2 years :D


                                                        2.7k 4.9k


                                                          calibrated smurf to 3.6K (10 pa games all wins, high av kda), now 4.5K, playing at asia server where most of players are fckin tryhards....

                                                          Btw if u want to make a high mmr acc, better start at least at 3.5K or even 4K. it will be pain in the ass if u want to boost it from 2k..

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                                                            ^ 2 years if you never played dotes before actually pretty good , guess it always depends how much time you dedicate to it . My biggest issue with getting better has been lack of sleep due to having wife son and Job that's over full time . When you old like me you can't function as fast as these younger guys that go on their own schedule been getting more sleep lately I think that's part of reason I raising .


                                                              started 9k now in at 2-3k


                                                                Miracle- calibrated at 3k+ few years back i think. Look where he is now.


                                                                  I wish I had a picture, but he calibrated at 0.8k

                                                                  < blank >

                                                                    Lmao, yes I calibrated at 900 mmr dropped down to 700 mmr
                                                                    This is the oldest picture that I found


                                                                      gud times, it was easier back then



                                                                        same question, other answers.

                                                                        keep the goodwork up though @ successfull climbers


                                                                          Yes me, This is my first account which was calibrated at 800 mmr (2yrs ago) and now its 4k mmr and my second acc which was calibrated at 2.6k mmr (6 months after my first) is at 4.5k mmr. Btw dota is my first moba game and honestly it wasn't even hard to get here.


                                                                            1.7 to 4k


                                                                              its not hards cause u fucking play slarkk al the time lmaoo


                                                                                2.2K (2014) > 3K (2015) > 4K (Mar 2015) > 4.9K (~Aug 2015) > 4.3 - 4.6k current

                                                                                Best Treant EU

                                                                                  no its impossible. usually these players started with 4-5k after calibration


                                                                                    not true LUL ^

                                                                                    Best Treant EU

                                                                                      ^ u cant climb in mmr cause system is rigged. everyone knows that

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                      Alice Margatroid

                                                                                        calibrated at 3.700 then drop to 2.900

                                                                                        from 2.900 i climb to 3.900

                                                                                        stay at 3.900 for a year

                                                                                        then try hard until reach 4.990 MMR

                                                                                        drop to 4.200 MMR

                                                                                        and now my MMR is 4.700


                                                                                          i started in 1k then 1 year ago i climbed to 4.6k mmr

                                                                                          Best Treant EU

                                                                                            i started at 4,4 and now 4,6


                                                                                              LUL nice one, I have only 36 games on slark and 10 on pa in last 12 months. When I started playing dota I mostly used to play slark and pa because I didn't knew much heroes at that time and that's why I got 150+ games on them. If u can't even counter slark then u seriously got some problems like seriously that hero is so trash. I started playing again on this acc from last Dec and since then I have managed to maintain 77% Winrate on it.

                                                                                              2nd acc -

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