General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry with a big ego

Carry with a big ego in General Discussion

    I don't actually know if this is the league of lesbians generation who tend to play more dota because lol sucks donkey balls, but I seem to get into games with people who just can't look beyond their own ego.
    Last game:
    I was safe lane with Ember spirit, everything went fine, he didn't get ganked and i zoned seer as good as I could. Later on I saw seer pushing into the lane and (since my microphone is shit) I couldn't write him so fast to stand near the creep to kill of the one with ion shell on it with my heal. Since he just didn't came into range of the creep i just healed one of our own creeps and he went bat shit crazy over it.

    Later as I saw that he has no problem farming and seer basicly left the lane I wanted to safe mid where voker feeded the shit out of himself.
    Ended up in a gank on bot lane and ember dying. Who is fault? Me of course.
    I go back to bot lane and he tp's mid the second I arrived bot, dies in the first 20 secs after tping in and starts flaming me that "I should follow my carry wherever he goes"(his words)

    The rest of the game was us steam rolling into them and the guy just couldn't let it go, and in the end he called me a retard and that I "should never play support again".

    What is the matter with those people? He literally just got a free win out of me solo supporing the whole team, the amount of money I spent on support items is more then half my net worth and he just has to feed his ego.

    If someone could explain that mindset, where you just can't let go of one of your own mistakes(the tp mid and running into them to die) and just have to make someone else feel bad about themself to satisfy your own ego.
    Do you do that? If yes, why and what are you taking out of that?


      i feel you man, Just supported awhile ago with bh, lost wanted to flame my carries and the other support lion who refuse to buy wards, but to answer your question, some people are just assholes and toxics


        That is actually not the real problem, I would understand him(a bit maybe) if my decisions were bad the whole game and we ended up losing the game because of it, but I literally spend all my money on supporting and support items, going around the map doing the best I could to prevent us from losing the game(solo supporting) and he can't get his mind of of his OWN mistake to tp mid when he saw me going bottom to satisfy his own wishes, as in staying near my carry because he was getting ganked.

        His ego is literally so big that he just forget about the fucking win. I can't belive it and (the bigger problem) I can't understand it either.

        PMS Mantra

          This Ember and I sound a lot alike. I've been told on many occasions that playing with me is worse than having teeth pulled. I often times apologize before the match even begins, telling my team I'm sorry that I'll tell them they suck and that I am by far, the best and most important player on our team. The irony, of course, is that we usually win these games that we start tilted on because of me, and then we sort of all congratulate each other and hand out commends to everyone on our team. Like wtf is up with dota players these days.

          That is what bestowing pure hatred for unsuspecting plebs looks like apparently.
          I flame someone on my team every game, but a lot of the time, they wind up commending me and vice versa.

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          2k indog monkey

            No I don't
            I know my mistakes and appologizes to my team if I did a mistake
            When someone flames me for the stupid shits they do I mute them

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