General Discussion

General DiscussionAbaddon as carry

Abaddon as carry in General Discussion

    Vlads, SnY, skadi, octarine and you will be pretty much ready to hit buildings regardless what enemy heroes are doing. If they seem to bother you, you can always pick up blade mail.

    let me say i'm the bigges...

      I'd go Abyssal, Maelstrom, Vlads, Phase, SnY, and probably Cuirass or Heart.

      But no, Abaddon is better as a utility hero.


        I think what most people are forgetting when they say "a real carry with the same amount of farm would win the game" is how bad most "real carries" do in the early game. Abbadon can go solo vs 3 and still get something out of the lane, and if he's in a 1v1 vs a "real carry" that "real carry" won't be able to get half as much farm as the Abbadon, therefore making him come online at like 30-35 mins, which is probably still 10 mins longer than the game lasted, due to the Abbadon winning team fights n shit


          Did someone say rek as abadon? Ez.

          Dont do this build except the vlads


            Aba isn't hard carry. He usually play offlane to hold the lane and to earn some exp n $. In clash, he has more impact by going front to tank n bash(if has basher) at the same time protect teammate rather than stay behind and heal n shield. He need mom to farm faster, since his AS is pathetic.

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Feichang Gaoxing

              Stopped playing abaddon as carry. Support aura type abaddon is much more fun to play. Arcane boots, vlads, HotD, Meka, Aether Lens. Or go for blademail and/or aghs for tankyness. And pick the +200 shield health talent. Ggwp

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^Disagree,Abbadon is so fun at carry because you are the last priority of enemies target and u can free hit them.wuhooo

                Questo commento è stato modificato
                ?.Stock @zzo

                  @No Russian: Abaddon CAN NOT solo vs 3 if the 2 supports have a brain and barely know how to zone out a hero that has few way to trade dmg and keep its presence in lane as a solo laner. Aba can ofc go offlane and would really better fit a dual offlane.

                  Than I think all the heroes in the right conditions can be the carry of the team. The fact is that even if aba is played as a dmg dealer (maybe vlad-s&y-ac-skadi) would eventually fall off later on because its skill set does not scale as the ones of an actual carry.


                    Still better than dogshits spamming ember spirit with veil

                    casual gamer


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