General Discussion

General Discussiongood troll build

good troll build in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Aquila, yes or no? Seems like such a good value play it's hard to pass up but troll can fill slots quickly on cheap items.

    Sange and yasha, yes or no? Seems again like great value, good stats for troll, but not as big of an item as alternatives. Plus I don't think I'd want skadi and s&y same build and some people love skadi on troll.

    Lifesteal? Casual morbid into satanic late? This seems like the go to, espcially since satanic has +dmg now. But alternatives are vlads, which is a nice aura item, or dominator. Problem with dom I think is it's attack speed mainly which troll doesn't really need.

    Silver edge? Nice item, good stats, just not sure if it's core.

    I personally like echo sabre but pretty sure I'll get flammed for saying that. Echo is nice stats, fixes regen so you can skip aquila if you want, and opening with two attacks for really quick fervor stacks is legit.

    I'm thinking this is default build but could be swayed: Phase, aquila, morbid mask, yasha, bkb if needed, finish s&y, crystalis, finish satanic, finish daedulus, sell aquila get butterfly or mkb.

    For talents agi, armor, dmg, axes, though statistically move speed is 1% better than armor. If skipping s&y I'd opt for move speed. For skills I like 1/1/4/1 to start.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Echo Sabre is really unnecessary since you have ulti to build up Fervor, with 1.5 BAT and the attack speed after that, EchoSabre's passive becomes non-existent, waste of gold. You don't even get much mana regen because of your 1.0 Int gain.
      Since you're going SnY, movespeed talent becomes more valuable (15*16% = 2.4 , then phase as well, every bit helps :P), you have enough armor from Agi and melee form.

      my personal build is:
      Phase Diffusal SnY MorbidMask BKB
      HotD is good, Troll needs the HP regen and a creep to catch target but I can't micro using laptop buttons :P
      I go 4-1-1-1 then max fervor btw

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        did u tried dragon lance into hurricane? stats are similar to S&Y and troll have the same dmg ranged or melee.. is pretty strong IMO

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          ^Melee has more damage from bash and 1.5 BAT, also movespeed and armor

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          Potato Marshal

            Definitely need either a blink or sb for initiation. Really not feeling echo though, you really don't need the mana, even with your terrible int, and half your abilities give you attack speed already. After blink or sb, go for manta or bkb depending on the kind of disables the enemy has, usually don't go for both items back-to-back as that will really hinder your damage. SnY is good if you can rush it within 20 minutes.

            Other items I don't really see often built but could be interesting is maelstrom/mjollnir for clearing out illusions and summons, deso could be a situational item too if your team has a lot of physical damage and is great for pushing.

            Dire Wolf

              you only go ranged troll if being kited or to cast whirling axes, no point in buffing his ranged combat.

              I always overlook diffusal on non manta heroes. However here's a question, does fervor work on illusions? Or how would it work if it did, they'd probably get the buff based on trolls buff at time of casting manta? If so manta + diffusal troll would be pretty sick.

              Dire Wolf

                Deso with vlads is quite powerful but I haven't used it yet.


                  Aquilla, Phase, Helm (Wolf), SnY. Maxxing your Q 2nd.

                  This build gives you enough power to launch yourself to the late game.

                  In the late game (and DEFINITELY Ultra Late) seriously consider going Mjollnir, I'd put it in every late game troll build.
                  Also Troll is my favorite Divine Rapier holder.

                  Ultra Late Game build (With putting your BoTs in backpack and consuming MoonShard), should be something like BKB Daedulus Satanic Mjollnir Skadi Rapier. Also getting +350 Health +6 Armor and +20% Magic Res. Also Keep your helm, dominated creeps are still dominated even if Helm is in your backpack.

                  Troll becomes an immobile, immortal, Rail Gun.

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                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Helm doesn't give lifesteal anymore. It's still pretty good though. You can get many kinds creeps like Frost Ogre, small satyr, wolf or even kobold. I like S&Y into Maelstrom/SB depending on the game. Then I will probably get a BKB and later upgrade the item I bought earlier into Silver Edge/Mjollnir. Aquila I think is necessary because Icefrog was too retarded to buff his 1 INT again when he removed attribute bonus so now you actually have serious mana problems even with two passives. The new Satanic just feels very weird to build, I dunno. Dagger is very nice as well.


                      Helm is way too good to pass up. Aquila is nice because cheap dmg on a hero with a shit ton of attack speed is rlly effecient. Pretty sure morbid mask isnt necessary if u have helm, and SnY is core on this hero. Tbh stacking sny and skadi isnt that bad, u become very tanky with high hp, armor, evasion and such, u can definetley warrant skipping bkb. Diffusal is nice but not every game, deso isnt what troll wants, he doesnt need raw dmg he needs survivability, mobility and dmg, which r all satisfied by sny. Sometimes u can go sb into silver edge but i think sny move speed and kiting is better. Anyway the way i wud build him, and the way ive been seeing him built is: aquila phase helm sny bkb(if needed) then luxury/situational like skadi satanic mkb bloodthorn butterfly diffusal ac linkens or silver edge. The only times i can see u skipping sny is if u go silver edge (against huskar, spec, bristle and other heroes break is good against, or when u desperately need initiation), or really need manta against ember (silences or roots). If going manta i wud go phase helm yasha dlance manta pike into luxury/situational. If ur going manta its usually cuz u need dispel but not magic immunity, so i wont put a bkb there, but maybe u do need both. The reason id go for lance here is for hp reasons tbh.


                        Diffusal is very good in some hero like weaver and clinks not sure about troll because i dont play him. If i were to play troll i would go boots helm phase boots diffu skadi butter satanic last 3 can be change at any order


                          Phase helm aquila sny -> dagger/bkb/skadi/silver edge/diffu as needed.

                          Dire Wolf

                            New satanic is a ton better than old satanic though, it just becomes a little redundant to go helm and morbid mask early I think. But you'd go casual morbid mask in lieu of old helm, which is slightly cheaper, no armor or dmg. Then the buildup is still kind of bad but a mithril hammer isn't awful, at least there's no recipie. And new item is 50 dmg. Dmg for the cost is not good but before you were basically completely wasting a dps slot if you went lifesteal, now it's only slightly wasted.


                              ^helm is still too good to pass up, even if u want satanic u can buy morbid mask later.

                              Impulsive 3k addict.

                                Sange and yasha no.

                                Browns > hotd >boots > maelstrom > blink, throw in bkb when needed. S&y is for noobs that cant blink




                                    I've always skipped the Aquila and gone straight to Phase Boots. Depending on the game, I either go for Morbid Mask or Helm. The next item is pretty much dependent on my opponents. If I want to fight/push early and my team is there with me, I rush BKB. If not, I go with SnY (the stats are amazing, and the maim + MS buff is nice, because I always choose the MS talent because I like being able to go in and out of fights). If I think I need to pick enemies off on my own, and if they don't buy too many sentries or dusts, I sometimes go for SB so I can snipe some opponents.

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