General Discussion

General DiscussionBuying the wrong early game items

Buying the wrong early game items in General Discussion
FaZe l FunderBlood

    So I dont know if this only happens because of my low mmr/skill bracket (solo 800/party 1.2k mmr) but I'd say one out of every five or six games I am presented with this circumstance and I never know what to do: I pick a hero lets say like lina or pit lord and I buy support items. I get to my lane and for some reason, either I A. Have another support in my lane or B. Have nobody else so I end up soloing. Now, sometimes I can see this early on and Im stuck with the choice in my head of selling all my items and buying or changing what i will build. Is it worth it to sell these items or should I tough it out? Also, if I have a hero that cant carry at all really, should i abandon the lane or stay. If Either situation A or B occurs I find myself feeding.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Don't sell,
      Pick jungler,
      Buy the exactly same item across all matchs,
      Go jungle all time.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Problem solved,

        Don't thank me bro I am always kind to help



          pick abaddon, go offlane/support, build solar, end the game

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            thanks me later

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Tell your team to take the lane if you don't need the farm because you support. If they don't listen then keep laning with the mindset that you lost, but at least get the support items you want, hope for miracle.
              If the early game items exceed 600 gold, you still have lots of slots don't sell it yet.

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