General Discussion

General DiscussionProtecting mid

Protecting mid in General Discussion

    You're playing rubick, your mid is sf vs invoker and they've got an earth spirit lurking mid at level 1.

    Do I just have to lurk mid as well? Feels like he'll be dead before I can tp to counter a gank but there's something that feels very wrong just sitting there not getting exp and with zero apm...


      do you have any other 1k accounts rocket? :3


        yes you need to lurk there (possibly wait hidden to countergank because most earth spirits are retards and roll below tower) at least until sf gets some souls
        after that you carry a tp and get back in again as soon as they run at him

        Zero's resurrection

          I would carry tp first,if I cant tp in and save em...just stay by him and leech exp. I feel heroes like sf are meant to contribute greatly to a teams economy. Also try to stack camps for him while you're protecting him,that small bit of time he can aquire abit more exp while you help his farm.


            Plus subscriber 1k mmr

            W O W


              Yes, babysit mid. But your SF more than likely sucks. SF with lvl 2/3 razes will often kill at least one of them if not both. If you are there, lane should be won 100%.

              But I'd pick a better roaming hero. Pudge, Slardar, Riki, Spirit Breaker and Ogre are all better than roaming rubick.


                really makes you think

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  SF needs help every game anyways

                  just sitting there not getting exp and with zero apm...

                  is just the most relaxing part of being support


                    Well, the least relaxing thing about supporting is having carries who don't understand lane control, can't last hit and can't itemize.


                      @kyle I haven't exposed my mmr for a long time - its actually a whopping 2.7k ;)

                      @nevermore a) i'm rich b) I like seeing stats c) its nice to support dotabuff.


                        No i have nightmares of supp sitting in mid. They contest all of the fucking lh and dies of diving tower

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!