General Discussion

General DiscussionDealing with offlaners as carry

Dealing with offlaners as carry in General Discussion

    Yo guys,

    Ok so when support has succesfully zoned offlaner (so I get 2 levels advantage at least), offlaner leaves, my support goes roam, im leve 6/7 with jugg/luna/pa etc, should i start pressuring tower? To force offlaner to come back and then what:
    A Pull and push
    B Equilibrium and zone with my level adv
    C Push hard and attack under his tower
    D Push and go jungle?
    E ask for support to come back and take their tower

    What has been happening is that even with my lvl adv i get pressured by a lvl 5 viper/mirana/slardar, also many times their supportlvl 3-4 rotates in, should i dissapear into jungle, if they dive and people have tp on cd im pretty screwed

    What are your thoughts on this, when to do what against whom.
    Preferably get answer from 4k+ players



      Your job as a carry is to get as much farm as possible

      Start pushing when your hero can start taking the sidelane.


        Even with the consequence of giving offlaner xp? Or should i do the pull, push, farm side camp, back to lane repeat? Thanks for the reply cookie :) I often find that offlaner i meet has more than my offlNers 15 min in so guessing thats on me


          Yes obviously.

          He got nothing except for some jungle farm for the first 5 minutes.

          Youre literally forcing him to defend his tower so he cant gank or he loses his tower.

          And besides, he'll get exp sooner or later anyways. Either from the jungle or lane.


            What you want is to keep your lane as close to your tower as possible while maximizing farm. Don't hesistate to pull or stack to rebalance the lane to where you want or simply deny his xp.

            If the rest of your team provides a 1v1 situation (they force TP's somewhere/fight) where the enemy offlaner won't be getting much help or none at all — try to kill him — then you push.

            You're struggling to last hit/farm correctly.


            (Sorry dotabuff) they actually give you a breakdown of your average LH/10 etc and you're way too low for someone mainly playing cores. You need to train your last hitting (I know it's boring but if you want to improve you will have to).

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!