General Discussion

General DiscussionU 'member your first dota game ever?

U 'member your first dota game ever? in General Discussion

    I 'member like it was yesterday.

    Back in ye olde wc3 i saw this cool looking game called DotA.

    I load into a match, pick nigma cus i thought he looked cool.

    And then i Fed the neutrals a couple of deaths, and then proceed to get kicked out of the game by the host.


      Back in wc3 i played dota offline with bot keep using -wtf rofl


        "-apem NO NOOBS +5"

        ХАМАС\ Ash Ketchup

          Local game
          pick his hero and buy this item and stay mid until u get that item hahaha
          Shadow Fiend and Desolator
          my main question was: how to move the hero in the first place....


            Phase boots on every hero, 3xdrums of endurance, abundance of null talismans...haha first games were so fun. Omni knight mid with Assult cuirass, Mjollnir and S&Y, good times. 3xbf guys were 'so pro'.

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            Giff me Wingman

              Cookie shitstain, we play today afternoon.


                Eyy lmao.

                2 ruski doto


                  My first ever game of dotA was in wc3 bots and I had played raijin thunderkeg. His name was so cool and he looked like a panda so I picked him I thought he was Po(from kungfu panda) xD
                  Well i won coz I used 'whosyourdaddy' cheat :laugh:

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                    LUL I also picked enigma in my first game after I was watching some tournament where mtw won against navi I think, I thought that hero looked cool


                      I played kotl with bots vs my brother
                      I got raped and it took me 30min to realize that illuminate is a channeled spell
                      Was also in wc3 dota
                      Then my brother taught me that i can build more stronger items so i rushed mjollnir on every hero

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                        Farm then Carry

                          Accidentally picked Arc Warden cause I didn't know how to scroll through the heroes fast enough. Abandoned before I could even get my first item and played 5 bot matches to learn. I was very stupid back then.


                            u finally got it right after 3rd edit cookie XD


                              Goddamn phone auto capital letter bullshit


                                my first game of doto was 15 years ago, but i dont member what hero i played :/

                                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                  I just put this in a thread about low skill but it seems to fit here as well :D

                                  My first game of dota i remember soooooooo well and it was probably my worst game ever.... I was told by my friend and brother to give the game a try so long story short i install, we party, get a match and i ask who to play and they said "idk up to u" so i pick literally the first hero i saw (Abbadon) and i spent the entire game at bot lane casting his shield on lane creeps to get farm, not joining a single team fight and feeding *unintentionally of course* I remember i was so proud of myself fo taking down the bot towers all by myself and they were yelling at me to help them and tp back to base but i didnt know how to tp lol.... Finished the game 0-19.... still won...
                         (The game if anyone is intrested in how not to play Abb)

                                  Nine Bullet Revolver

                                    Not my first game, but I recall building battlefury on Lina when I first started. It gave damage and regen so I thought why not get this item?


                                      Well back in Warcraft 3 in primary school when I was like 7 or so, played Kotl and was all sneaky hiding in trees with Illuminate... Thought he looked like Gandalf but more shiny and stuff so there we have it ladies and gentlemen
                                      Went 6 BoTs simply because Shadowfax needed to be faster so you know...
                                      gg no re


                                        ah yes my yasha nyx

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          i randomed pudge and thought that rot is a shit spell because it killed me many times.


                                            I did play Dota in Wc3 back then but I dont remember what I did. Only played a few times.

                                            I played Dota 2 on steam release and I remember playing Warlock / Pugna a lot and I build orbit mask on every hero because "lifesteal keeps me alive and is nice"


                                              Cousins brought me to a computer shop for the first time. They told me to play centaur warchief and the build back then was 2 helm of iron will first then vanguard and so on. They told me to just stun heroes. Good times.


                                                i loved pudge most then Sk riki and that was my pool actually oh and Lich i did ultra kill once on a host bot xD
                                                i had on 1 bot about 50 games isnt bad but i was shit


                                                  is it just me or could wc3 hook from pudge hook on the way back?


                                                    I never played dota in wc3 except bot gAmes. The barrier to entry was too high. I could never play because you needed to download the patch yourself and if u didn't have the game people would just kick you out. How do ppl even start playing that shit

                                                    let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                      I used to click on items to use them. Using tangoes and blink back then was honestly such a huge waste of time :/

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                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                        no, but you could control the hook to curve it


                                                          i guess that was it then


                                                            Mine was sand king only threads and 5 bracers (WC3) good old times.


                                                              I played captains mode my first game because I was like, it sounds much better if someone just picks a hero for me. Somehow must have clicked on the button and became the captain for my team people told me what to pick but I couldnt find any of the heroes. ended up playing lich and our tiny abandoned. I did 968 hero damage.

                                                              fear is the mind killer

                                                                first game on dota 1 was with centaur or maybe bloodseeker, it took me 1 year to discover the (very) secret shop


                                                                  My cousin insisted I try this game out. He instructed me to only play "limited heroes" game type because those heroes were easier to learn. Played wraith king my first game. I lost my first like 15 games until I won one. I was extremely tempted to quit and never open the game again after game 8 or 9. I just can't handle losing or how difficult the game was. I tried windranger and really liked her because you can escape with windrun. I learned her at around the time I started winning so I spammed her cuz she wins games and she was fun. I played limited heroes for almost 100 games before I finally expanded my hero pool. Dota has a very steep learning curve SO DIFFICULT IN THE BEGINNING.

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    I picked Tiny because I thought he was just a cool looking rock monster that would have high hp and damage. I didn't get boots and just bought random damage components like mithril hammers.

                                                                    white boy summer

                                                                      i went drow i think cuz i knew her from tutorial. every bit of damage i took i went back to heal up at fountain lul and i beat the shit out of creeps


                                                                        i played wc3 naruto-dota mod. had no idea how to play coz i thought it was like normal warcraft and just played like an empty lobby lul.

                                                                        "wtf are all those buildings, what do they do? *walks around the base*"

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                                                                        Don't Ban SF

                                                                          yes, i played Dragon Knight ;)


                                                                            Played Terrorblade, he was really cool backthen

                                                                            had zeal and OP 1st


                                                                              Razor, my items were all boots... Yep. Those were the days.


                                                                                me, it was rikimaru on w3. it was 2v2 and i went battle fury first item LOL and somehow got godlike cause we were all noob. haha


                                                                                  First game was with Lich, cauze of friend of mine told me he is easy to learn. Got Boots and Mek that was it. Won it because of Viper. It was so much fun.
                                                                                  After spamming him I kept spamming Tusk, because I lost a game to him and thought he is op. Couldn't win a game with him though XD

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    I didn't start til dota2, though it was the beta, early 2012. My first match was razor. I played wow a lot before then and I thought this is cool it's like mini wow, but the pace frustrated me as I thought we should be killing people from first minute and didn't understand laning. And then I didn't understand mana and why we couldn't spam spells so I kept spamming razor's nuke. I thought the game was stupid, all this waiting around for stuff to happen lol. Surprised I stuck with it in retrospect.

                                                                                    Ave with an internet pfp

                                                                                      I was playing offline with bot as lane egima :x with 6 mirial hammer with a logic more damage = stronger


                                                                                        I built crit on every hero because I thought more attack won games

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!