General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker users. HI!

Invoker users. HI! in General Discussion

    Does a QW voker still viable these days? I haven't seen anyone doing it nowadays.


      I believe it is still viable to a small extent against specific heroes, despite the nerf, like going against Arc Warden in mid where the EMP is key to winning. Other than that generally I feel QE is a notch better as what Invoker needs is farm early on for the Aghs, and QW build limits its dps output and you will need to supplement it with Phase etc, which delays your farm.

      Another thing I feel about QW is that it falls off easily unlike QE which gives a better dps scale comparatively, especially in terms of teamfights and pushing ability in the current meta.


        QW is generally only used against enemy intel mids. E.g. Storm, Silencer, Zues. Main reason is because without mana those mids can't really do much and you can get some kills due to your high attack speed from Wex combined with coldsnap. QE is sometimes used against those intel mids because it makes it really difficult for you to lose the lane and farm due to your forge spirits + high right click AND is normally used in conjunction with another hero like pudge, as a combo (using sunstrike).

        TL:DR: QW only good against intel mids, QE used against everything else or if you can combo sunstrike with another teammate, e.g. LC or pudge. Therefore, you will normally see QE.

        Potato Marshal

          Pretty hard to last hit and deny without exort damage, and sunstrike is too good to pass up early. Not really worth it in most situations.


            yeah the global presence is strong instead of having to run there for the kills



              positive mental attitude
                Questo commento è stato cancellato

                  Thanks for answering. I appreciate it.


                    Last time ive seen qw invoker i shat on him in lane cus the moron went qw against arc.

                    His team flamed the shit out of him, quite hilarious.


                      like going against Arc Warden in mid where the EMP is key to winning.



                        do we actualy have a past tense of shit???? shaaattttt?????


                          Yep, it's grammatically correct.

                          Player 404335202

                            Hello i m depressed little kid ! I have many reasons to play dota but not 1 reason to get pro ?wew



                              I'm sorry that I'm just another 4k scrub.

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