General Discussion

General Discussionneed tips for raise mmr (2k)

need tips for raise mmr (2k) in General Discussion
Ja Muran

    first. sorry for my bad english

    two, i want to ask something. since i need new knowledge

    now i'm at 2k mmr. how to play objective? and what hero i can use for focus pushing(and war?) and how to fast farm when my team t2 already destroyed at <15m (+warded jungle)

    maybe someone can give me some tips.



      same bro, im on the 1.9k trench though, gonna jungle gaming to 3k+

      Ja Muran

        my game phase was like
        lane -> jungle -> lane -> jungle

        but if my team t2 already destroyed at <15m + enemy team warding the jungle. i'm have a hard time to farming. since they will gank immediately when i'm visible at map

        and that's why i need some tips xD

        Ryan Gosling Fan

          Play Medusa.


            Farm offlane camps. If u know where their wards are why don't u just deward. Try to take their safelAne tower and farm enemy jungle


              bro, when i was in that situation. farm their jungle :D since they busy looking for kills, jungle ninja style at their jungle then tp out when you sense they are approaching you


                im always teamed up with cancer. i think im gonna spam ursa,wk, lycan jungle

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  Ursa can solo kill ppl but he isn't really 1v9. Try Luna or troll


                    yep hahaha i know. but he such a monster here in 1k lol.


                      if u wanna solo kill go slark instead 2 escapes + shadow blade would make 3, purge/dispell, op heal, straight up item build. not in the pro meta but we're not 6k+ are we


                        and if only 1 tier 2 is dropped just buy wards for yourself and pput em in jungle entrances not inside so you know wgen they come. if you know they got wards deward em yourself = your money back + vision secured. if they are just standing there in your jungle and lanes find out where they arent and you can push. buy enough wards and push different lanes this one to that one make them confused and dont let them reach you by keeping up the vision. all those wards if only u get em cost you as much as 1000 or smth but win you the game (as i said ur role doesnt matter i even buy wards myself when we got a ward buying sup so i can place it where i want instead of letting him just drop it on some usual spot)

                        make them rotate to the lane you're pushing and tp to another lane is the way. then you have a jungle to farm. maybe another lane to push and have tp on ready to make them rotate again. just tell your team not to feed and if anyone says anything stupid mute. dont bother explaining since y gonna tilt urself.

                        mr. rabbit

                          slark is 100% low mmr pub hero if u know how to play him, its rly easy to avoid fights too when ur losing because ur a decent split pusher and u can easily detect where their wards are so if u know how to properly move around the map you can just split push them until u get back a lead


                            actually slark isnt that easy for low mmr folks. i saw apoo play slark once. lul

                            mr. rabbit

                              ^true that

                              Ja Muran

                                i can't play medusa. even i'm try hard to learn still can't use it properly

                                i want to deward but how to deward if i don't have any money to buy sentry since i can't farm safe

                                trying luna and still can't hold long. they go tp and then go kill me. sb = dust

                                in some games i play with slark. but can't get many agi from enemy because in my games they always sticking. it's hard to catch one of them and take their agi



                                  maybe. maybe not. if they dunno the strategy game it wouldnt make a difference between slark and am and life and ursa for them would it?

                                  Story Time

                                    just stay where u are guys :D game is about fun fun fun


                                      1 question
                                      Do you admitted that you suck at dota?


                                        learn to play clinkz and rat the fuck out of ur enemy


                                          @sia it makes a difference. some heroes are braindead in 1k. like ursa. i once saw apoo play against an ursa, and that ursa wasnt even good but every1 just kept walking up to him to offer their life to him

                                          Ja Muran

                                            "1 question
                                            Do you admitted that you suck at dota?

                                            i'm suck. and that's why i want to learn more so i'm can play better.
                                            here i am asking some tips from other player so i can learn from other player"

                                            i'm trying nature prophet and my 2 last game was ended with lose. i'm try focus objective. destroying t1 at 5m. and t2 at 13m. but still fail. maybe someone can tell my fault at that game. thx


                                              Pick ck farm heroes farm towers hit throne ez enough?

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                ???? zero ??????


                                                  take objectives when you are at advantage trying to take tower at min 5 = going to another lane sharing xp with 1 or 2 other heroes at least, not letting the other hero get cs properly neither will u get that jungle/offlane farm. enemy meanwhile can easily just right click your creeps under tower and go back which = free xp for him = you gave him early game advantage for hitting 1/5 of the building hp at most in each wave.

                                                  wait before you get a core item. if you see a solo enemy that is killable and your team is near him. w on him and ping him so allies come too then use q on him immidiately then kill him. now you can push the tower with your team while u got a hero kill and farmed a bit more and have your key levels. etc etc





                                                      GG this imposter


                                                        ^ who?



                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            GG Ursa/WK/Lycan jungle?
                                                            Luckily you are more base on korea server xD

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!