General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin Aghanim Upgrade

Templar Assassin Aghanim Upgrade in General Discussion
האביר של המכשף

    Templar Assassin Aghanim Upgrade

    A. Normal Skills:
    Maximum Traps: 5/8/11
    Min Move Speed Slow: 30%
    Max Move Speed Slow: 60%
    Slow Duration: 5 seconds
    Trap Vision Range: 400 (day) - 400 (night)
    Trap Mana Cost: 15
    Cool down: 11/8/5 seconds
    Trap Duration: Permanent

    B. Upgrade:
    + 3 traps
    + 5% trap slow
    + Trap Blink Skill (T)
    Trap Blink (T): TA can Blink to nearby trap location within 800 radius
    Blink Mana Cost: 25
    Cool down: 3 seconds

    After TA blink on the trap:
    a) TA will meld automatically (0.1 sec after blink, no additional mana cost),
    (meld effect depends on the current level of normal meld), and
    b) trap will automatically activate (0.3 sec after blink)

    Commands on Trap (i.e. if you select a trap)
    Q: Spring trap (slowing enemies)
    W: Blink to the trap (can access command only if TA is within 800 radius around trap)

    C. Notes:
    Blink ability will not deactivate upon receiving damage unlike blink dagger
    "Blink meld" will not stack with normal meld

    D. Typical Aghanim Bonus:
    +10 Strength
    +10 Agility
    +10 Intelligence
    +175 Health
    +175 Mana

    E. Cost and Ability Analysis:

    Although aghanims is 2x the price of blink dagger, the advantages of using aghanims for TA compared to blink dagger are:

    1. blink dagger have 1200 range and 12 seconds cool down... even though the aghanims upgrade only gives 800 range jump, its cool down is only 5 seconds - it is like 1600 range in 10 seconds, more than 2x capability of blink dagger... and since it will not be disabled when receiving damage, I think in terms of mobility, TA can maximize mobility in this upgrade compared to blink dagger... the only disadvatage is if TA has no traps nearby, then she still cannot blink...

    2. you can build aghanims in parts, so farming is much more relax than farming for blink dagger one time, >2k gold blink dagger

    3. you can plan for blink position by setting up traps (can avoid awkward blinks - or blink that can accidentally trap your hero)...

    4. blink meld and trap activation upon blinking, means really useful for chase-kill... and good for escaping also, since you become invisible after blinking.

    5. aghanims have other bonus aside from the added blink, (it can increase HP, damage, and mana, not just blink - typical aghanims bonus) while blink dagger don't have any stat bonus at all...

    6. there is an moderated increase number of traps (+3), and trap"s slow effect (+5%)

    F. The limitations

    TA will not be able to jump unless you set up the trap first - no traps no trap blink.
    And you need to be 800 range from the trap to trap blink.
    Also, by using sentry wards or gem, you can cancel the potential jump points of TA by destroying the traps.
    Trap blink also cost mana. - no mana, no blink

    I really think, this is a decent upgrade, because TA usually builds with blink, so why not create a blink that works in tandem with TA's other skills? and I think, this is really personalized for TA skills and game play...

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Ryan Gosling Fan

      Yea 3 Sec CD seems Balanced. You can basicly push 3 lanes at Same time. Fuck tinker.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        I thought I missed a patch or something, so it's just an idea
        No, TA is already good this patch
        don't add another overpowered idea on her

        Dire Wolf

          TA has an aghs upgrade?


            ^^ agreed

            האביר של המכשף

              it is true it has CD of 3 sec... but the thing is, you cannot blink anywhere and anytime... you need to set up the trap first and be 800 range to it, before you can jump into it...

              another way of looking at it is, if you don't set up a trap, you will not be able to jump... and even if you put max of 14 traps, it is still not enough to jump around the whole 3 lanes of the map as you mentioned... boots of travel can still do better than that...
              setting traps will take 5 sec cool down each, so, that itself will cause its limitation...

              and it has mana cost also... setting up trap and jumping on traps both has mana requirements (and cool downs)...

              you cannot be on 3 lanes that easily, as you need to set up the traps first... this is the limitation of this upgrade...

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              האביר של המכשף

                btw, TA is not OP hero either... its winning rate barely reach 50%... and TA is on the lower half of the winning rate list...

                there are far more OP heroes that TA...


                  How the hell will we catch TA if this idea is real

                  -DI- TheDrengr

                    TA is fine, unless you play old builds like treads and aquila

                    האביר של המכשף

                      it is not difficult to counter this jump skill actually...

                      if you destroy all the traps (using sentry wards), then TA will not be able to jump...

                      so, catching TA given this upgrade is not impossible... people just need to find ways to counter it...

                      countering it is not impossible...


                        please tell us how the fuck will you be able to find ALL the traps,especially if it's placed to be blinked at it could be anywhere hard to find

                        האביר של המכשף

                          that question is strange... why not ask, where the fuck we can find riki and wards instead?

                          traps are usually placed in strategic spots, it is the goal of the game to determine the most likely place of where the traps are placed.
                          after all dota is a mind game, asking that question kind of strange...

                          and do you not know the item called gem? if you have the gem then you can find all invisible units easily... your question is really strange, if you really play dota then destroying TA traps is actually never an issue...

                          Goblin slayer

                            Why not give her teammates 5 refraction charges when they're nearby? Hahahah


                              it's actually gonna be super hard to kill her. it already is then adding that would just make it more complicated and hard! right now ppl who know how to play her can stomp every game but if what u say happens it's gonna be the last patches' invoker that 1ks could win with

                              האביר של המכשף

                                hmmm... 6 refraction charges for TA alone is already strong... recall refraction is both shield and damage bonus...

                                giving 5 refraction charges to all of your teammates seems too much... in fact, that is far stronger than omniknights ultimate skill, since it is offense and stronger defense combined...

                                to be honest, that is more difficult to counter than the blink trap...

                                האביר של המכשף

                                  I think, I will say, indeed this proposed upgrade is strong, but then again, you need to compare it with the existing build... this upgrade is actually patterned on TA with blink dagger...

                                  so you need to compare it with TA blink dagger, vs TA agha...

                                  if you can see, this agha upgrade is only a bit advantageous compared to blink dagger... (because that is the point of making aghanims - to make it more advantageous for the hero - otherwise, you may not pick aghanims as compared with blink dagger)

                                  these are the advantages of blink dagger:
                                  blink dagger is cheaper, blink dagger have farther blink distance 1200, and blink dagger does not need setting up traps...
                                  while the aghanim upgrade has advantages mentioned above... it is a matter of having advantage and disadvantage...

                                  finally, we always need to consider the possibility of countering it... blink dagger can be countered by damaging the hero
                                  this aghanim upgrade can be countered by destroying the traps...

                                  I think in dota, it does not matter much whether the skill is strong or not, what really matters is, a hero or a skill can be countered or not...

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    Ok say if we have a gem can we search the treelines without destroying the trees? You can place the traps there to escape,and traps dont move like riki


                                      I just think this aghs idea is too broken, seriously

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