General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 3600 MMR

Stuck in 3600 MMR in General Discussion

    I guess if I switch to playing carry I'll win games.

    I recently.had a game where I got 45 kills 7 deaths, 125k hero dmg and 8k tower damage and still lost cuz you cant win on your own vs 5 disables.


      You already have a child @stanceworks, yet you still play dota? might be better for you to just play any other game except those in Moba genre


        Your going full retard.

        Experience IS better than MMR.
        But what do you know...


          @Destory yeah I'm thinking putting all items on steam market and maybe make some $$.
          I just don't have the time to rank up but having fun games is impossible cuz 3k don't get how the game is suppose to work.


            Dota is one of those games along with h games that decrease a person's IQ.
            Not dota itself but the toxic players with autism will make you dumb..

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            死の恐怖 Haseo



                Might be better for you to create another account, 3.5k isnt the max anymore, i had seen lvl 20 accounts in my bracket


                  3.5k is still max calibration, it's only unlocked in int ranked

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    My bad, i forgot that it was int ranked


                      Experience is better than mmr. Ppl who play more games know about the game a lot more than those one trick ponies who grind mmr by being dirty. Mmr just means you know how to abuse the system to get more wins but it doesn't mean u have more skill. Wins are not skill. I can play a game and I know in my mind how to win the game because this game is easy and I'm smart but I can't control their actions. Winning the game by yourself just shows u have no understanding of a team game and you just had ez opponents.


                        in low mmr you herd the sheep

                        in high mmr you teamplay


                          I ate the sheep cuki coz im chinese 🌚

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                            This is why I love Cookie...

                            BSJ. LGD

                              you need to reconsider yourself if you're still 3k after 3k hours


                                Enter the mind ...


                                  @Glass Sky what are you talking about broski?


                                    I just need to get better at cheesing/abusing meta/rat doto and in general getting better to climb up.


                                      sick thread


                                        MMR grind is dumb as hell.
                                        Like 2 weeks ago I ran windranger spam mid and had a 75% winrate but who the hell is gonna play 1 hero 100 games in a row...thats mental.


                                          Cookie overrated shit lmao


                                            ^ thiis on point


                                              very interesting how u get 5k players in 3k avg games :thinking: really makes you think.


                                                @stance if u have a point to prove, you shd do it. silence the critics. do it.


                                                  cuki is very good at herding sheep

                                                  one-man bukkake

                                                    fucking 40%wr player complaining about teammates lmao


                                                      @stance how about only play ranked when you have a lot of free time because from what i had seen, playing ranked while studying is so difficult.

                                                      And i dont know why cuki concluded that you wont reach 5k.


                                                        well it might have something to do with the number of games you have played and your mmr + your attitude


                                                          He has 47% ranked win rate, seems like if that continues, his mmr would only decrease


                                                            dude stf.u he has 70% wr if he spams wr mid

                                                            one-man bukkake

                                                              -50% wr players should be gassed


                                                                your most played hero is <50% wr. fuck


                                                                  Mine too but i seldom lose as es now


                                                                    well if u win more now, my only question is: how come it took you so many games to learn the hero

                                                                    one-man bukkake

                                                                      i fucking love lina let the the fuck alone

                                                                      and i win more with her now. I just wen tryhard against counters and shit and thsts the result


                                                                        you should keep spamming
                                                                        i spamed timber, it got me from 4.1k to 4.4

                                                                        one-man bukkake

                                                                          a mix of bh roam and clinkz offlane got me from 1.9k to 3k


                                                                            @diox whenever i play es, and team force me to play pos 5, i either abandon at start of the game or mute everyone, that explains the 51% win rate

                                                                            Dark Hunter

                                                                              Summer break has something to do with this i feel like. I'm able to play all day (cuz who needs a life) dropped 300mmr in 3 days kek. Maybe because more casuals play dota. Or maybe because i've played so many games in a day i don't really focus enough.

                                                                              Either way. Mindset is a great part of the game. Tilting your enemy is always a good addition to winning. When they're fighting each other they're not fighting you :p


                                                                                I guess you could say that being toxic will make you lose more games than you win.

                                                                                Road to 1K

                                                                                  @Kek you are 2k dog shit so dont even talk here.

                                                                                  one-man bukkake

                                                                                    aint giving a fuck lol

                                                                                    Road to 1K

                                                                                      He tried to get to 3k6 and you 2k wont help so you can shut up

                                                                                      one-man bukkake

                                                                                        certainly the odds of him being the problem over the odds of his team being the problem sre higher. Maybe he has the skill but obvs he does not have the actitude to climb or at least take the recomendations HE IS ASKKING FOR. he does not want to git gud, he want to blame the universe for the loses. I may hover around high 2k~low 3k but at least i know that if i cannot carry a team of 2ks against another team of 2ks this is pretty much the skill bracket i deserve.

                                                                                        one-man bukkake

                                                                                          no fucking shame in being a 2k


                                                                                            G I T G U D


                                                                                              Lol, I abandon alot too cuz I got shit to do.
                                                                                              But people talking shit looking at my dotabuff without knowing how to use it properly makes me laugh.


                                                                                                @KEK WILLS IT
                                                                                                You would be lucky to have my windranger on your team lol
                                                                                                Free "get carried" match for ya, +25 bruh.

                                                                                                Plus I just came to get a rant out, the advice usually sucks and is very condescending from people who think mmr is the measurement for skill lol.

                                                                                                I wanted to rank up but I don't think it's possible. I've been checking and most people talking shit to me do 370-450 Games in 3 months. I only for 170 in 3 months (which is a insane amount of games for me), just not enough time or i have to win at a 90% winrate to actually get up, which doesn't seem realistic.

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                  most games are determined by picks.

                                                                                                  picks are determined by people who want to win vs people who just wanna fuck around.

                                                                                                  people who wanna win will pick the high win rate heroes (while countering opponent picks).

                                                                                                  people who don't wanna win will pick roam potm and land 0 arrows and have 0 impact on the game, or jungle doom and be useless for 30 mins.

                                                                                                  you can't control who you get on your team.

                                                                                                  in a large sample of games, 50% of the time you'll get teammates who wanna win, and 50% of the time you'll get teammates who don't care/know how to win.

                                                                                                  The only thing you can control is your game. So the way to improve MMR is to improve your game and have a significant impact on the game.

                                                                                                  You do that by playing a core role, and stomping your opponents. So you'll need to pull off those 20-2 TAs or the 30-1 Svens. Or the offlane Tide that successfully stops the enemy HC's farm while farming up yourself.


                                                                                                    As soon as i said advice sucks this guy, @Stentorian, actually gives some good advice lol.
                                                                                                    I know my problem i don't pick meta heroes or I pick shit just to mess around with.
                                                                                                    I think I'll go back to windranger spam, I like her a lot.
                                                                                                    Maybe I'll get in 50-100 games every 3 months that would be nice...

                                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                                    one-man bukkake

                                                                                                      dont know man. I dont really like wr mid in my team. Generally it means afk farming the midlane until blink or maels meanwhile the invoker/dk/whatever other mid is doing the same. It alwais end on wr having 0 impact because she cant farm fast enough or get kills without getting killed. Im speaking about 2k wr spammers ofc. Dont know how you play but being myself a 2-4-5 pos player i alwais enjoy myself wen i have to mid against a wr or support against one. But if it works for you i think is fine then.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!