General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you do when the team just does nothing.

what do you do when the team just does nothing. in General Discussion

    Often in a game there is like 15 to 20 mins during the mid game where people just do nothing. By nothing I mean the carry and mid are just sitting in their own jungle farming camps. If the creep come past river they tp and farm it to river and go back to jungling. The supports are sitting mid and literally nothing is happening. No one is ganking no one is pushing just afking around the jungle.


      Lead your team, call for sod ganks, rs, take objectives etc.


        That's where I end up tilting and going solo into 5 enemies because they have better late game anyway.


          "A click"mid

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            Do something.

            Riguma Borusu

              Pick heroes that can do shit on their own. Just picking shaman in your bracket will win a lot of them because people just hate defending towers or farming lanes. If your own core are sitting in your own jungle, you can bet your ass that the enemy's cores are doing the same thing, which means the towers are hardly protected a lot of the time, because they won't rotate to lanes. Mids and safelaners should farm their jungle and lanes, but at lower MMR it's the case where people are not farming lanes enough.

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                you use your mic.


                  that's because that's what the midlanner and carry ARE SUPPOSED TO DO.

                  basement :)

                    Pick CK or Venomancer support. Farm along with your cores -> easy.


                      are you trolling or being serious? Midlaners and carry are suppose to stay in their own jungle for that 10mins to 30 min period?


                        obviously, what else would you do on a carry/mid?

                        you get items and you go fight/push

                        only reason it'd take them 30 min is if some idiot teammate keeps forcing them to fight when they can't and which delays their items and makes their life a living hell


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                        Fee Too Pee

                          Ah i remember , my team have antimage anyway. And spirit breaker is like "noob team always farm" and go feeding with charge and blame team why not fight.

                          Meanwhile AM still farming manta pre 20 minute. Wow , sure AM is a noob right?

                          Pls do not force carry and mid to always go fight , especially when your team is weaker . And then "noob team always farm" fuck off


                            It isnt just about forcing them to fight. When the cores just go their stage what tends to happen is people get picked off and the other team is farming lane and jungles out networthing us. I never won games where cores just afk in their own jungle. When the cores are farming lanes it forces people to go there. Suddenly 2 or 3 people go there and he tps out during that time other people can push another lane etc. When cores just afk in own jungle no one is doing anything and the game just gets out of hand.


                              there is a clear difference between forcing people to fight and sitting in your own jungle.


                                No, you're wrong

                                it's because you start panicking and playing emotionally so you try to do stupid ridiculous things on the map which causes you to get picked off and enemy snowball because of your mistakes, not your teammates.

                                instead of using reason and logic, you play with emotions. Just terrible...

                                look at your own last games, you had no farm, you just kept chasing things on the map and getting picked off for it.


                                  Yea, the difference is one of those 2 options wins the game and the other one gets a person stuck at 3k and makes them start a thread bitching about teammates because he can't accept that he's wrong

                                  guess which one is which.

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                                  Story Time

                                    ^nice roasting :D



                                      Dazzle and Spirit Breaker bombarded on my ass for not joining the fight when I dont even have linken and they use "you have aegis" as a reason why I should join the fight. I keep farming for item and shit until aegis run out then 5 mins or so later they go pick a fight and proceed to feed 1.2k networth to the enemy team SeemsGood while I had just finished my linken and even then I couldn't fight anybody yet so I had to splitpush while waiting for an opportunity to pick off any idiot that are farming alone with no mean of escape and eventually I got Abyssal and then butterfly later. Had I noticed a grass particle under creep foot sooner, I could have avoided 1 death at the hand of pair of dirty fighter WR and LC.


                                        mute and enjoy farmville


                                          Unless you're a very good core player you can't just play agressively most of the time and still manages to find farm while not dying
                                          And guess what, people below 5k usually aren't :)


                                            when your team isn't doing anything, you can't force them to assemble and take adjectives beyond the usual smoke/let's rosh, just stop caring and hope for the best.

                                            it's when you start caring and expecting shit from your teammates when you tilt and stop having fun.

                                            it's a grind of thousands of games and you'll have to accept that not every game is going to be fun/active.

                                            Mlada i Luda

                                              well this is prety much what mid and carry can do, is rly frustrating when that happens and you playing a carry that you know it will be outfarmed by enemy team , and your team the supports and oflaner are not doing shit about that, thats supports and oflaner job to think and to create action in game, carries prety much can only push lanes and farm jungle, unles your a slark , clinkz ,whatever snowball carry. they way you think it looks that your that guy who plays carry by moving around the map trying to find a fight to create some action, doing many shits ' high risk, low reward'.


                                                Life's too short. Feed, lose, queue again.

                                                Or, if you need to win to enjoy yourself, then accept you can't fight when half the team networth is in the jungle and do your best to keep the game alive until they will leave the jungle.


                                                  Life is too short, quit dota do something meaningful.


                                                    Usually u want to farm but try to split push if u can.
                                                    The only thing I can say is that when a carry hits a big powerspike item like manta on am or blink on Sven and shit and continues to farm when we have an advantage and can take a fight.
                                                    Like a manta am can often pressure enemy towers or farm enemy jungle and even if they don't fight they can split push. Instead u see them take safe farm that ur mid or offlaner cant, which sucks sometimes.
                                                    Either way it's kinda bad to force things solo, just let them happen smoothly while urging ur team to do something. I was playing Shaker and was 6-1 killing it, but got impatient and fed 3 deaths in 4 min cuz I wanted to be active and get kills while my team wasn't with me. Don't do that. Thankfully I pulled my shit together and we won.



                                                      3 midas
                                                      im dead

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