General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me Why I sucked

Tell me Why I sucked in General Discussion

    Please tell me why I suck at this game.. and What should I improved?.. PLEASEEEE


      Quit dota don't waste your time lol
      Trust me it's pointless to be really good.


        No Dota for me is for Leisure time.. i'LL Be Bored If I quit

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          You don't suck, you should just improve:
          -Last hitting if you're a core, it's really really strong point believe me.
          -Do not get the creep agro if you're playing support, you'll literally make the lane impossible for your carry if you do that.
          -Do not pull without stacking never ever.
          -Do not trash talk, don't waste time. You're here to improve not argue useless points.
          -Improvise, any position can win games not only cores.
          -Try your best and put effort in it, simple as that and watch pro games


            I'm not gonna bother opening dota to check your replays out or have enough credibility to point stuffs out in details
            Just be open minded, critical, and apply logical thinking into the game

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              Have you tried destroying the enemy Ancient?

              In all seriousness, though, the guys above got it.


                bro you are high skill. you are bettre than most people at this game. ask yourself why do you want to get better? is it worth it?


                  you suck because you don't swallow.


                    I really sucked + my teamates sucks like my last game = ez Lose


                      why u suck this game??

                      ok , i think improving in dota the best was is to play solo lanes like Midd or Offlane or roam and suports like Sd disruptor pick those 2 suprts situationaly if for example enemie have Lina kunka to stop their combo

                      speakin about midd is thr best way tp learn doto

                      i see all those 9k 10k players their signature lane is Midd and it has a point
                      u learn there to aggro equilibrium and avoid ganks

                      from 4 to 8 min is dark then u obs ward on lane i see suports put before game starts which is mistake
                      also dony obs ward on enemie side its easier to deward and i rarely see high mid players put obs on enemie side of lane

                      Try play sf midd when get lvl 3 ( if u lasthit good u will be lvl 3 he will be lvl 2 and try kill him safely and fast is very easy vs voker zeus only maybe tinker is hard

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