General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can you play more then 1 ranked match

How can you play more then 1 ranked match in General Discussion

    without going mental. The stupidity and intentional throwing in my games is so bad, i literally think about quitting dota everytime i play more then 1 match in a row.

    just look at my last 2 games.
    first i have to play solo support SB (as usual), one dude randoms nyx and goes brown boots dagon rush and goes ""STU NOOOBS!!" when team tells him to buy arcanes/blink/aghs like a normal sane person, the OD ganks lanes instead of farming mid (???) and then consumes his moonshard even though he has free slots.
    somehow me and the wk carry these heavy backpacks and i get +48 with doubledown.

    next game some dude marks mid invo when mid is already taken, then marks my offlane and picks LC (has no clue how to play it, no impact all game other then dueling 10%ho enemies)
    the AM ignores my tip to get a BKB after manta so that he could splitpush somewhat safely, so he just gets caught and stunlocked, after few deaths he stays in jungle all game. my babysitting as tree (kicked BB out of the lane, killing him 3 times) was not rewarded.
    the roaming pudge kills a few people early, at minute 15 he starts non-stop flaming the necro because "muh radiense iz paad!" (even though the necro carried the team) and afk farms jungle with ulti in the dumbest places and gets caught nonstop, doesnt help me support (solo supp again yeeh).
    --> loose game, -25

    If i wouldnt have used my doubledown, i would have made minus mmr that day.

    I would have to play 800 games to get to 4k and turn into a toxic piece of s myself in the process, only to get into a bracket where people are slightly less dumb but infinitely more toxic


      I mean i can keep calm and play for the win in the first game, but in the second game of solo supporting and allies with no knowledge of the game i just want to get out and abandon


        low quality blog


          By giving no fucks about your teammates :)

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            Did i just read "get BKB on AM so you can split push" ? ....


              ye it's sad but depends on person. first of all never have it happened to me that 2 games in a row i get real shit situation like throwers. secondly i stop playin if i actually get tilted af which rarely happens. idk why but i havent had throwers in my team for like a long time. did have ppl fighting each other in the team tho but i made them mute each other and play ftw


                maybe im to sensitive or emotional

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Nope, you care too much about your teammates. Honestly, mute all 9 if the average mmr is still 3k range. 3k's usually have nothing important to say at all. And throughout the game, you can unmute the least retarded player(s) to communicate better. But if they only blame and type instead of play, just mute them, and do not follow them since those players will 9 out of 10 times be bad, make bad decisions, and are the type of players you let feed, and never try to save since they keep going in alone and try to farm with no vision/detection. It gets hard though I must agree.

                  Dark Hunter

                    If you can't deal with toxic players. I suggest you play late at night. And i mean like 1am-2am-3am. Most of the time you'll get a lot more decent players and sometimes they might even carry you.

                    Also playing in the weekend is the most horrible time to play. Altough in summerbreak it seems to be more common for shitfests to happen. It still happens more during the weekends. Use this to your advantage!


                      I admit, ranked gets my tilted like hell. I am a calm guy in life, but when i play dota....


                        Flamers are constantly in my games. But just pay no attention to them and you're fine


                          play 4 fun

                          Mlada i Luda

                            yeah its ez for jacked to talk, thats the privileges of the retards , how can you pay attention and go mad about things that are going wrong when you cant realize it in the first place lol.


                              I mute all 4 allies most of the time.
                              its just pretty sad that you literally cant enjoy 99/100 solo games.

                              I increased my mmr from 2.8 to 3010 but im getting tilted so hard every game lately, just give me 1 ranked game where i dont get matched with 3 brainless 12 year olds

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                low quality blog


                                  Just be prepared because your IQ will decrease when you meet those kind of players xD


                                    I feel this yesterday someone reported me because when his mid got stolen and told everyone to report him (and kinda the reason we lost because he went bloodseeker jg with 0 impact) but since i saisd i didnt have any reports left he got pissed at me

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      Last time I played 15 or more matchs per day all rank.

                                      If you are tilts,go troll enemies or at least teammates.The tilts might be gone after you pass it to them



                                        if you are forced to solo support, just pick riki
                                        that way the enemy becomes tilted


                                          tesko bas ..samo retardi ne mogu da se iznerviraju


                                            Lock a core, and mute your team.
                                            Don't flame, yourself.
                                            Often you will see the Autist Level during draft, after seeing if you have a jungler, or 4 cores, or stupid shit like that. Even then, just focus on your play.
                                            1 game, I got stacked with a 4 stack. I refused to support, so I ended up playing solo Sven against BB and something retarded (Venge I think). Ended up carrying game anyways cuz other team was more autistic.


                                              how on earth did no one just suggest ''play music and mute them''

                                              i mean i had literally the same problem.

                                              i just play music, make a 15 min pause between each match and mute anyone who says anything remotely annoying.


                                                I'm really surprised that people stopped commenting commit sudoku in these type of threads


                                                  Commit sudoku


                                                    i paly for fun and i enjoy the game


                                                      its just a game who cares, move on to the next or stop playing for the day.


                                                        I win

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Feels bad whenever I get a cocky 5k teammate that think they can just random or counterpick themselves and stomp the game, but then just end up being the worst player on the team.

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                                                            i spam 1 hero until my soul is close to getting out of my body then i change hero

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              ^me too, minus the changing heroes part.

                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                be nice and people be nice back. or mute them ez


                                                                  Dont play when you are depressed, trust me, its so fucking hard to play well when you are feeling depressed


                                                                    just as a small addition my next 2 ranked matches (won both, still annoyed)

                                                                    1 game some dude picks invo even though mid, safe and offlane core is taken

                                                                    2 game some dude pick lc jungle after i picked sb roaming and leaves the AM without support, has 0 impact in the game

                                                                    its just so annoying because its the internet, if i would play a card game with these people next to me i would slap the shut out of them


                                                                      Get used to it, thats just part of dota's mechanics




                                                                          welcome to the internet.


                                                                            some ppl like to change things i for example can play 9 games straight or more and there are days where i dont play at all but you seem to be a casual guy who will Always be worried about his team and what they say


                                                                              i dont care what someone sais and im not worried that i loose because of my team

                                                                              theres an overload of stupidity and i cant deal with it


                                                                                @killstealreporter problem is, unfortunately retards will never leave this game and this world. So if you really can't stand them there's only one thing to do: take a break from this game, temporarily or permanently, that's for you to decide. After months and months of raging, yesterday I uninstalled it. I still love this game but I asked myself "is it worth it?" and the answer was no. I've had the same game ruiners, people feeding and abandoning after 5 minutes, a 0-7 offlaner at min 10, every game like this. And I don't wanna waste my time anymore 'cause I recognize the fact that I just can't stand dumbshits. People who keep playing this game are people who are able to handle monkeys and play their game, if you can't do the same you'll end up attracting more and more negativity and things will just get worse. Ask yourself the same question and take a break, work on yourself as a person first of all and then if you want come back to improve as a player. If your hobby becomes a nightmare what's the point? That's my suggestion, hope it'll help. GL


                                                                                  lmao is someone having a tough time this week? finally admit you suck and decide to quit the game? rofl

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    LOL quit because of rage and can't handle teammate,what a sad life.


                                                                                      Wew, this forum is constantly improving, no one commented stuff like
                                                                                      "Go play everwing or play osu"

                                                                                      and i dont even know that are those games

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        That's loser style,proud hero doesn't put down his sword because he can't win his fight.He (me) only put it down after they is no more enemies to be kill and achieved his goal.


                                                                                          Hi psychotic dog. No I don't suck, I can't deal with dumbshits, like you.


                                                                                            You feel the need to prove you're the knight in the shiny armor, I don't 'cause I don't need it but I have a sad life LMAO. This forum is exactly like dota, full of low IQ retards.


                                                                                              as soon as can no longer win = matched with autistic dogs, and 24/7 blaming teammates. hahahaha fucking classic.


                                                                                                I kind of get OP tho, sometimes you get matches where you are better off just stop playing right after or you risk being the tilted asshole in someone else's game.


                                                                                                  No language on earth has a word for how little I care. A quantum super computer, calculating for a thousand years, could not even approach the number of fucks I do not give.

                                                                                                  This line from sword art online Abridged changed the way how i think about stupidity and toxicity of my teammates


                                                                                                    Nah nah dog, I talked about matchmaking for the first time on this forum 1-2 months ago, in the last month i went from 3750 to 4310 mmr and had a 68% wr in ranked, then 61.90 and now it's like 57 in the last month in ranked and I'm still 4.1k. Before this name I've had tons of other names referring to retards on dota. Dumbshits in this game, like in real life, have always been a problem. This decision is the results of months of ridiculous matchmaking. Woof woof psychotic dog, keep making up lies.


                                                                                                      lol fake figures again. youre not convincing anyone. your last 48 ranked matches were basically all solo. and u cant win so you start blaming your teammates and actualyl quit roflmao.

                                                                                                      the offer to get 4.5k still stands though,

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