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General DiscussionHonestly?

Honestly? in General Discussion

    Do I still have a chance for a 3.5k mmr calibration with my stats? or should i create a new account?

    Dark Hunter

      No. No.


        not likely. but before you create a new account, consider this:
        Let's assume you have to play 150 matches to calibrate (It's probably less but i chose it for being a round number)
        Say you have MMR of 2200.
        If you deserve to be in higher MMR and are able to maintain a 60% win rate, that means you gain around 750 MMR in 150 ranked matches. so you will be almost 3k after 150 matches.

        Now if you create a new account, you play 150 non ranked matches, you probably won't have more than 2500 MMR after the calibration anyways (since the limit is 3.5k ish you're very unlikely to be anywhere near it).

        150 Ranked matches Vs 150 cancer normal matches. while the result isn't any better. so, Is it worth it?


          :(( so sad


            but look at my winrate its 40% wtf is happening to my games?

            Giff me Wingman

              u suck dick, that is happening


                According to Open dota your estimated mmr is 3k


                  is that accurate tho?


                    Can change a bit, but at least to my account is accurate.
                    I have 3k "normal mmr" and recently i'm playng ranked games from the international, where i'm with 3.280 mmr.
                    My estimated mmr is 3248 in open dota.


                      okay thanks alot Ramza :)



                        but you have a pretty big chance to get there by actually improving


                          :( how would i improve here in these kinds of games.. alot of teams i get a throwers?

                          meteor hammer

                            the poison is inside of you


                              idk what that means.


                                Your shallow mindset holds you back


                                  Don't give up. If you try hard valve may give u a chance to go high skill


                                    you never even had a chance, only 2 HS games in all your matches


                                      so im really the problem. thats sad


                                        Self awareness is the first step of improving, don't worry


                                          even if im self aware of my weaknesses. idk im already trying my best to improve my gameplay. but still i cant seem to win or go to a higher bracket.. dont know what to do anymore


                                            Analyze high mmr replays? It's quite exhausting but it's pretty effective


                                              i watch high mmr streams. does that work?

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                ^Learn Dota or quit it


                                                  The best way to get That 3.5k is to find 4 stack high mmr player try playing with no life guy in net cafe. Try to sosialize And playing together on unranked. That guy Will give u better advice than this forum Will give


                                                    thanks for the tips guys.


                                                      i know people who either only reflect on their mistakes without analysing the source

                                                      or just watch pro players on twitch

                                                      neither of them will gain any mmr.

                                                      1st one simply enough just recognizes he's bad but never does anything about it

                                                      example, one guy i know, called betterdota used to just reflect on his mistakes

                                                      what ended up happening is he quit dota because he'd just tilt himself so much, because he saw that he's making mistakes and losing games for that

                                                      but all that happened is that he'd just notice the mistakes, but he'd never go to a lobby to fix them or to analyse why did he make the mistake in the first place so that he could prevent it.

                                                      2nd one doesn't improve your mmr because you're just watching entertainment, not studying.

                                                      example, would watching a the world championship at home and drinking beer make you a pro footballer?

                                                      This game is about 90% strategy, and the best way of getting that strategy is a lot of analysis of high mmr replays, like a LOT.

                                                      like 3-4 hours per replay just on that 1 person you're analysing.

                                                      and then like 30 replays of that

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        yes sir. thanks for all your insights. wish i could apply them all on my games.


                                                          Commit sudoku

                                                          Hardy Boy Kels

                                                            Don't watch admiralbulldog's stream or sing sing
                                                            U can't expect to improve from watching that


                                                              ^ well, for the first one, you could find out how to rat...