General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I make my mum proud and become top 1 arc warden

How do I make my mum proud and become top 1 arc warden in General Discussion
lm ao

    I decided to stpo being a casual retard and learn some new heroes, just to challenge myself.
    You guys have any tips?


      keep playing

      lm ao

        ok ty random weaboo

        lm ao

          oh fuck its that swedish meepo player
          hello ywn

          meteor hammer

            q tab q click on him, hit e in front of where he is walking

            if ur lvl 3 or 5 and he leaves the creepwave use q and punch him, enemy mid going for rune should be a big mistake

            meteor hammer

              watch somene play like 2 games of aw where they crush mid and u will see how to kill people

              in teamfight put ur clone in the front of fight with bubble and mjolnir active, then hide your main until they initiate

              lm ao

                wow ok ty mr mmr for wat btw where is the upvote button haHaa


                  nothing to worry about. when i started playing meepo it looked similar

                  lm ao

                    ok cuck

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Not really relevant, but I am around 500 hero points away from getting into the top-100 Brood ladder (97% percentile).
                      I am still dogshit, but that kinda makes my penis longer.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                      Player 404335202

                        ywn can we 1 v1 ? xD


                          watch your replays and learn the combo flux and spark wraith, be sure to land a good magnetic field when it comes to a team fight, but most important dont first pick him, they fucking counter u ez

                          Mlada i Luda

                            nothing special , keep playing 100-200 games with same hero , everyone can do that , if most retarded player in the world if you have the will, you will learn to play him evenutally good enough to get out of 0-4k. you can always first pick him doesnt matter no one in 4k below knows how to counter properly especially arc warden they have no idea how that hero works. actually is the best hero to climb in that bracket, teams dont know how to deal with split push in general. is it worth is the question?


                              ywn with the not meme comments :O


                                scratch that, there are people in 6k who don't know how this hero works, i beat 6.5-7k players mid with this, in match ups they should win.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                Mlada i Luda

                                  yeah i know, thats why in 4k its much easier . any good arc spamer can solo win almost all games , is not that they dont know how to deal with arc 1vs1. i mean thats for sure, but they dont know how to ' stop him destroying theyr ancient' cause you have to do it as a team mostly . but there is no team at that mmr.

                                  queen's speech

                                    low skilled but motivated


                                      keep on spamming.

                                      meteor hammer

                                        it always amazes me man, mid 5k players just leave the creep wave to die to flux slow, idk if they are just tilted to play against this hero or dont read skills but its fucking stupid

                                        i am danger pro

                                          shift to league of legends, get challenger, tell your mum its a big deal, proud she is.

                                          Yung Beethoven

                                            Jesus cookie you are such a Narcissist its unbelievable. Cut the crap already.

                                            @op: well the hardest skill you need practice is micromanagement. When i played arc for the first time i was already kinda good with him. My item choices were shit, but i still got the concept and the micro of the hero. Not because im an extremly good player, but because i played a lot of other micro heroes before. If you want to be better with arc warden, you gotta play him. But dont forget about chen, naga, ench, alchemist.


                                              like that?


                                                haHAA funny


                                                  dude how's micro hardest skill? Micro is a pre-necessity but wont win u games


                                                    reason cuki can beat 6ks with arc is because he is 6k. 3 more games to go cuki. he's doing it. he's analyzing his replays

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      wow someone reached 6k after 5k+ games amazing!!


                                                        OMG CUKI BEAT AGAIN 7K
                                                        CUKI NOT HUMAN TELL MORE STORYS PLS PLS I WANNA SLEEP PLS TEL ME WHEN U WIN MIRACLE

                                                        PLS MY NIPPLDS ARE HARD

                                                        @OP only way to learn hero is to just play him even if u lose 10 in row when u play 100 200 times 1 hero u gona have winstreaks keep playing


                                                          bosnian humor

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!