General Discussion

General DiscussionNot a classic "my teammates suck" post

Not a classic "my teammates suck" post in General Discussion
Friendly Gaming Community <3

    how about you play with my account and lets see


      sure send me the user/pass on my facebook page

      what are we betting here?

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      Friendly Gaming Community <3

        i want thinking about a bet initially, but if u want me to i say you cant get to 4k :D

        Potato Marshal

          You're stuck in normal skill and are still on huge losing streaks. I bet even I can climb up to 4k on your account.


            im talking more in the lines of ''how many arcanas are we putting on the bet"

            Mlada i Luda

              lol, pay attention on what kind of bet you will ' sign' kid, im fucking telling you cuki probably will win90% of the games in 0-4 k bracket with arc warden. no matter how much couriers his team mates feed, i 've seen what a good arc warden can do in a lower bracket. if cuki wanna test this bs thing for himself , it will not notice that much probably if he jsut mute 4 others and stomp the game with arc warden. i said it loudly already bs effect different way, different players. it depends how vulnerabile to it is your playstile that you develop.


                DW i got a secondary account with 2.3k BS, we'll do testing your way on that

                Friendly Gaming Community <3

                  i dont have arcanas, but i can buy you one, no problem


                    Then the bet is on, send me the user/pass on my facebook. i'll log in now then i'll go sleep, and when i wake up i'll start doing it.




                      do i hear the sounds of knocking 3 birds with 1 stone


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                        Is it just me or am i somehow getting teamplay out of 1k behavior score teammmates ;)

                        maybe i'm lucky, or maybe i know how to talk to people ingame and don't point out stupid mistakes.

                        we will never know

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                          I just want to say that bad teammates do exist. They can feed, build bad items, not communicate, leave game, and overall ruin your games. I cannot argue this point as it is a fact. The problem is that, personally, there is a way to improve and win games even with these people. I play support and I understand I can do perfect, but my carry can just not know how to farm, and we lose game. The thing is, no one does perfect. I think it is better to not blame your teammates, but rather look at your own play and learn what you can improve in any role. Teammates do make mistakes, but you will likely not see them again in lower brackets, so don't focus on their plays, but rather yours as you shouldn't concern yourself with them. Yes, even with teammates that leave, you can't anything about it, so make the most out of games where they don't. I believe that is how you can gain mmr. Just my 2 cents, but good luck and do whatever works best for you.

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                          meteor hammer

                            even when you do see the same guy multiple times, sometimes he will be an utter retard in game 1 and a complete god in game 2, people vary in performance a LOT


                              i'd say unless it's outside influences, i'd disagree

                              people are quite repetitive


                              No one simply loses all his skill between 2 games, unless completely tilted, it's just a different scenario that he experienced differently in the past that will lead onto a different result

                              but overall his skill and gameplay is still the same

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                                No ruiners yet :thinking:

                                i wonder why :thinking:

                                i asked my teammates to tell me their BS, they had 8-9k.

                                i've been team playing every game, haven't been solo playing any of them

                                just to prove a point

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                                  Change your name to hidden pool, it helps


                                    inb4 rustle's teapot that valve is tracking my IP to put me with better players


                                      Now that i've proven that these players are infact your standard dota players, and isntead of ruining they will teamplay, so let's up the difficulty.

                                      i'll start to random first pick and i won't say a word for the whole game, just to prove the point of why they actually tilt.

                                      Not because they're actual ruiners, but rather because OP just sucks at understanding his teammates and over reacts for any small mistake they do, without noticing his own.


                                        But cookie you missed a cs fuck you I'll walk down mid


                                          daily reminder that out of the 4 cookie matches i played while he was reaching 5k he missed more than 30 cs in lane


                                            i forgot to not talk, i randomed and co-ordinated my team into a 20 min gg.

                                            Nigel Thornberry

                                              Hey mind telling me where you got the behaviour score?

                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                whats the conduct summary reports at?


                                                  we need to wait for it to update, but last 2 shown are 19 reports and other one showed 15 reports.

                                                  i've screncapped them both in the posts above

                                                  open console and type ''developer 1'' and then type ''dota_game_account_debug"

                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                    lul truckernaut gitgud shitstain


                                                      this doesnt prove anything btw, different players have different playstyles

                                                      white boy summer

                                                        not a classic my teammates suck post
                                                        P.S. it is


                                                          It's modern tho


                                                            i agree vohi3, 3ks are shit in ''playstyle'', since it's not his team holding him back then it's nothing other than low skill

                                                            that's their ''playstyle''


                                                              there's my proof

                                                              "i'll start to random first pick and i won't say a word for the whole game, just to prove the point of why they actually tilt."

                                                              i randomed and i didn't talk and i did random shit on the map, none of which helps my team.

                                                              after 40 minutes We lose racks and then wd proceeds to destroy items and afk, the rest of them follow and we lose the game.

                                                              none of them were intentionally trying to lose, except technically me.

                                                              The WD didn't intentionally feed to lose the game, he was actually trying to play the whole game even though he was playing bad, he still kept going till he broke and gave up.

                                                              I'll do it again next game then the game after that i'll play properly again.

                                                              as you can see, this kind of gameplay will tilt your teammates and make them want to throw.

                                                              actually i'll 1 up it, i'll even flame them next game for every mistake they do.

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                                                                ure missing the point


                                                                  its ok i didnt exepct anything much since this forum turned to shit, dont trouble yourself replying.


                                                                    then tell me the point my dear

                                                                    since i've proven that these guys aren't intentional feeders, nor are they on average more feedy than any of the other players i get on any account

                                                                    what is your point then

                                                                    my definition of playstyle is ''how you approach to win a game"

                                                                    different 6k supports will have overall the same approach to winning the game, win lanes then stay near carries while they farm and push towers. the execution might be different, but the approach is the same, one guy might be better at setting up ganks, while the other might be good at watching map and counter ganking. But overall both accomplish the same.

                                                                    while 3k supports leech exp and don't do anything in the early game except some harass and pulls.

                                                                    if that's what you mean with PLAYSTYLE then i agree, they have different playstleys

                                                                    aka the 6k is 6k and 3k is 3k

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                                                                      Holy shit you guys are doing the bet, how do you know he'll buy you the arcana though?


                                                                        ofc it's gonna happen, it's basic psychology

                                                                        divide yourself from everyone, never chat and almsot never join fights(unless they were literally next to me), and do stupid shit, that tilts your teammates.

                                                                        i'll do it again this game to prove the point.

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                                                                          can anyone tldr, whats the bet ?

                                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                                            well your teammates seems to be pretty cancer based on their dotabuff pages


                                                                              it's nothing i don't get on my other accounts, i actually might have failed flaming these guys this game im playing

                                                                              they're so polite that it's impossilbe to trigger these guys XD

                                                                              i pointed out oevery mistake now they're playing better, this is not what i expected.

                                                                              goes both against my and anyone's theory

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                                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                                in the long run that gives you low prio honestly, if theyre polite chances are they have reports on hand to use


                                                                                  edit: nvm i managed to do it

                                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                                    and by in the long run i mean 5 games ROFL


                                                                                      oh i was smart about this, i was flaming them while making it look like i'm playing good.

                                                                                      i almost failed because we almost won becuase i carried them XD, so i had to do some 3k level throws, i had to get creative.

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                                                                                        it took me 30 minutes to tilt them, cus pudge was resistant because of internet problems, he was actually trying his best with 1k ping XD

                                                                                        i made sure to call him retard about every single mistake he made, took me forever but i managed to them all to tilt.

                                                                                        i can't believe i struggled at losing a game, but anways the point of that is to showcase OP's gameplay and the ''my teammates are retarded i'm the best player report X'' mentality

                                                                                        same shit that OP came with in his posts

                                                                                        i made it look like im the best player, while flaming my teammates for whatever they did.

                                                                                        these guys sure didn't destroy items and feeed couriers down the lane, but they quite did underperform because of the tilt.

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                                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                                          wtf are you doing son? i knew you more profesional guys. this is how you make a test? acting different ways in different games? so yo u said 1 game you played like siraction slacks trying to untilt ant cooperate with your team , next one you try to play like a typical ,2k clowny player. even i tried doing that slacks thing talking to retards in micro and yeah i won managed to lead them to victory even in some games almost imposible cause of draft. just wtf are you doing? im i watching some childish excuse for your recent looses or what?. i thought test is gonna be like ' play 10-20 games at same standart dont talk to your team jsut observe, and play your own game , dont tilt or get tilted. just observe while you playing, and dont start yet 'the victory song' , you played a few games and 2 last are loss , i dont know what you pretend you doing , andi dont care after all this test is for yourself, if yo utrying to 'cheat' yourself somehow no one cares.


                                                                                            i'll win allmost all if not all the next 10 games, it's not an excuse i literally said ahead of time that i'm gonna throw them to prove my point(s)

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                                                                                            ma-ku hemburger country

                                                                                              I'm curious what arcanas you guys bet


                                                                                                im betting CM, he said he'll buy any


                                                                                                  Once this is over, please share how much mmr you gained or lost during this "test/bet".


                                                                                                    next 5-10 games i'll do a ''no talk, do my thing and just observe''

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