General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming and its history

Roaming and its history in General Discussion

    Why were there no dedicated roamers, previously and heroes like bounty, riki or tusk were seen as offlaners despite their good ganking potential? What brought about this change?


      Probably innovation


        it was a transition from jungle to roam

        first junglers would stay in jungle for 10 min then go do stuff

        then they'd only stay 5 min to get the necessary things and then go stuff

        now jungle got completely replaced by roam.


          ^ slight addition
          ''now jungle got completely replaced by roam, in 5k+ avg mmr games''


            im talking about actual dota. who cares what goes on at low pubs.

            meteor hammer


              meteor hammer

                JUNGLE NERFED TO SHIT


                  Not playing roaming in 2k17 lul
                  Buff safelane pls osfrog

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                  Story Time

                    so ganking was before 2017 but not roaming? Is this a matter of how you define things here?


                      roaming usually means a dedicated hero used to scout the map disrupt the enemy and find kills to make the cores have an easier life.


                        mid no gank wew bobo gg


                          there was a slight transition period with 3lanes.

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                          white boy summer

                            from what i saw it was a thing in 2k15 (i only watched s4 qop replay lul) but it was definietly not a thing pre-bounty runes


                              Damn, makes perfect sense, since I didn't really have a lot of knowledge of basics like laning stage and farm priorities and hero roles before I started taking the game seriously like a year ago. Really explains that people in my bracket keep picking junglers simply because they aren't that serious and don't read patch notes or keep up with the meta. Who knows, mayb even removing the option or alternative of jungle builds from default Dota guides, or especially, Torte de Lini's guides (which I use) could make a huge (okay, small) difference...

                              Mlada i Luda

                                its cause of sing2 , he started this heavy roam thing the pro-se learned from master samsung lol. the game starts evolve jsut like every other sport / esports , or prety much everything in this world. that jungle thing that cuki explains is true , thats cause teams /players start to adapt, improvize , overcomme. so the jungle started getting contested by agresive and faster game by enemy, than happened that trilane thing, still players adapted to that in different ways , but the most important reason ithink it was that the offlaner jsut started to jungle the new camps at patch 7 so the supports were forced to roam since they had nothing to accomplish anymore in lane . this is prety much roam history . even 4-5 years ago maybe more there were some team the used heavy roam strats , but nowdays that is meta. and is still evovling as we saw in ti7 now offlaners have much more impact/space than before, and safe lane many times its not that ' safe' , its all about what team prioritese or which hero /role they can and must give more space with the roaming hero/ heroes. some teames ass team secret for ex, started roam with 2 heroes since lv1. you could not say who the fuck was pos 4. bara puppey or rubick yapzor lul, in lanng phase at least.


                                  And that is why first pick random roamer with boots + orb of venom + clairty is the the best way to have fun, make the life of enemy supports and offlane miserable and still have a good chance of winning.


                                    jungle were nerfed too hard, say whatever, but i boosted on jungle heroes only, in high 4k, was 4896 mmr when jungle was nerfed, and then dropped down to 4200, now climbing back again. But in time before, in jungle you could outfarm enemy so hard, that even if team loses hard all lanes, you make team come back easy. 66% win rate on jungle ursa, 60% win rate on legion, lifestealer, troll was no joke or coinsidence, it was skill and jungle potential. Now jungling is pretty much dead, because:
                                    mid spawns 1 extra creep, there is no shrine from begining of game, jungle creeps give 20% less exp and gold.
                                    I dont think that icefrog made these changes to nerf jungle, as it was not in pro scene anyway, but these changes just crushed jungle.
                                    In before, with ursa, after 6th minute roshan, i was always 2 levels ahead of enemy midlaner, from minute 14, i was fully ganking, killing, etc.
                                    Now you can take roshan at minute 8-9 at most, and even when you take, you are 1-2 levels behind midlaners, its just not worth now :)

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Jungle was nerfed so hard I started instapicking BS mid/safelane instead of jungle, but if people pick 5 cores like retards which happens in unranked high skill, I still just go jungle, fully aware that the loss is no longer on me.


                                        I duno, but there's always been roaming. But not a lot of heroes could roam with impact in the past. Now even a lane support would usually roam due to bounties and the importance of mid lane

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                                          roamers in the past without bounty rune or shrine had 0 farms, and had to rely on kills participation to get any gold. also there was regen issues.

                                          meteor hammer

                                            also wind lace was a fairly recent addition as far as items go, before that oov/boot was the only way to get any kind of movespeed advantage that wasn't natural to your hero

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