General Discussion

General DiscussionCan i get at least archon medal?

Can i get at least archon medal? in General Discussion

    Ive played 4 calibration game, 2 win 2 lose. 2 win im carried by my teammate, and 2 lose im playing good but my team are absurdly retarded. What medal can i get?


      Well Roger my buddy won 2 games and lost 8 but came out Legend 4. I won 8 games and lost 2 to end up Legend 2. So. You could be okay.

      Story Time

        basically u can lose all 10 games and still get rapier if your initial mmr was high enough. For the case of smurf legend 1 is top possible rank, but we cant say exactly what it will be for you. Rule of thumb - look at the average medal of your emeny


          this calibration is just a +/-25 mmr.. its nothing new, come on people..
          some 6k guy could lose all 10 matches and stil be almost at 6k..
          some 1k guy could win 10.. and would be at most + 250 higher..


            is legend considered good?


              Legend is bad mate


                Legend is around 3k-4k. Depends on your perspective if that's good enough for you or not.


                  I'd say ancient considered good


                    The calibration for your display rank is based off of your MMR on the previous system. You won't be placing very far from where you were. If you were significantly below Archon then even 10/10 wins will not get you to Archon.


                    is legend considered good?

                    Silly question. Skill is relative. 2k is miles above 1k, a 5k could beat a flat 3k with one hand. MOBA communities have a massively skewed opinion of what it means to be skilled. The distribution of players massively favors lower tiers. 90% of all players are below 4k mmr, which means objectively anyone who plays in the "very high skill" bracket, approximately 3900ish and above, is better than the large majority of players.

                    Different players will have different arbitrary markers of where they consider people to be "good at DotA." Because most pros tend to refer to people 6-7k mmr as finally "competent," many players have followed their lead. The average players need to consider however that the pros only choose that level as it's relative to themselves. The pro's "good marker" lies at a point when they view other players as potential competition. A 2k player should absolutely take advice from a 3k, hell another 2k could have entirely as valid advice.

                    The real issues in lower tiers is players tend to have massive sinkholes in certain realms of skill. You'll have 2k players who can play mechanically at a 3k level, but their game knowledge, game sense and/or itemization is trash and holds them back. There's plenty more aspects to DotA that constitute your overall skill level, skill is not a linear measurement by any degree.

                    This leads to my final point: DotA is an exceptionally complicated game. With so many different things to keep track of and so much information to know, DotA is a game that has yet to be mastered, and possibly, cannot ever be. DotA is also a mistake-oriented game. The making of mistakes by one player, and the other play being able to identify and act upon them is one of the primary drivers of interaction. Better players make significantly less mistakes, and this is one of the primary things that other players are keeping track of. Even if you watch professional players, there will always be moments where you can consider "they shouldn't have done that." Even the best players make mistakes, as DotA is a game where you have limited knowledge available- so you can't truly play without making mistakes to some degree.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      H3h3 my team suxx can I calibrat anchor????? :)) owo


                        Demonictrashcan. I would say you are 100% correct.


                          and then i see my old stack, ppl who calibrated around 1k mmr years ago, unable to get better medals than guardian on those accounts because "recalibration" is just a fake and they dont wanna play solo queue...

                          btw missing/wrong sense of competition is holding alot of ppl back imo


                            wew i got legend 2


                              i performed bad in my last 3 games, can i calibrate higher than that if i didnt?


                                Legend 3.


                                  if you are 4k the 3k are bad if you are 3k the 2k are bad and that is how people become a mess in this game.
                                  I would say it's something like that, but it's my opinion:
                                  3k normal
                                  4--6k not bad-good
                                  6k + pro


                                    Border of high skill and normal skill. So legend 2 seems about right and maybe a bit of an over performance from u. Maybe legend 1 is more accurate. Good luck climbing further


                                      Herald 0


                                        Legend is Legend, its pretty good, dont worry about what the plebs say :)
                                        @OP Ofc you could've calibrated higher if u didnt perform bad in ur 3 last games, but its good nevertheless and you can climb from here :)

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          legend is so noob.