General Discussion

General DiscussionUS WEST or US EAST? And also, strict solo on or off?

US WEST or US EAST? And also, strict solo on or off? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I feel like US EAST is cancer in the morning to early afternoon. But generally more reliable

    US WEST generally has more team players and english speakers but it seems way more emotional to me. People tilting and getting angry and feeding because they did not get their lane or because their lane mate made a mistake. Probably a good choice for someone who is a good leader and uses voice a lot and can get people going.

    Also I really liked the idea of strict solo matchmaking but I have dropped hundreds of MMR since turning it on. Going to try turning it back off for a week or so to see if the quality of my games improve. I usually play pos 4 so maybe I just need those few people playing together to succeed. Or I am just that bad now who knows could be the case.




        US West always. US East is shit and makes climbing harder dude, I notice a fucking dimensional shift when I accidentally queue for US East. US East = LP.

        Chao Vritra

          I used to do west strictly but like I said just seems to be a lot more people throwing games because they get mad. Maybe I should go back to doing west again

          Suck my tiny curry dick

            You’re just that bad now


              if u cant carry the game by yourself just turn stritct on


                lose lose situation

                Potato Marshal

                  I have a 5% higher winrate in East over West if that means anything


                    I have a 5% higher winrate in West over East if that means anything


                      Eu west and east always x)


                        US EAST. Generally if there are more English speakers the better. But this means you understand when they are upset. Which means you can interact with the toxicity and cause tilt. SO you have the responsibility to use your mic to get victory, because the other team is communicating.

                        Yes US east is filled with Peruvians but if you generally don't like to have to captain people, then going for the server where people don't speak to each other is better. I prefer EAST.

                        Actually SEA has been perfect for this reason.


                          strict solo queue always wtf ud be crazy to turn that shit off


                            Does strict solo queue even do anything? Idk are you running into parties in solo ranked that often to justify it.

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