General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to spam in the current patch

Heroes to spam in the current patch in General Discussion
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    Hi folks,
    Which all heroes are good to spam in the current patch ? Heroes to get the enemy ancient down asap...
    P.S.: got tilted too much in my recent games coz of some non sense players who ruined the ealry game itself :( Don't want to repeat the same and hence want some good heroes to win with :|

    Gearfive Dela Cruz

      luna tb void

      Gearfive Dela Cruz

        invoker not bad too if ur good


          clinkz if u wanna solo carry ur game

          no tilt

            OD, visage, huskar


              Unless you're massively under-ranked you won't really carry games solo, so it's good to get something that also enables your team in some way. Yeah, some games your whole team will be shit, but that happens and it will happen to the enemy as well.
              The heroes depend on what you're good at.
              If you want to literally solo carry the game, go Meepo, other than that, tough luck.


                techies alchemist and nature prophet meepo is also very good

                Solo Leveling

                  Abaddon can dominate if played right

                  lone dog

                    lina visage and lone druid


                      clinkz, alch, lina and morph

                      Do Not Harpoon The Poles!

                        OD for mid. He's got a save for his teammates and, IMO, he's difficult to counter. Very strong laning phase which is huge in this meta - to win your lanes.

                        Do Not Harpoon The Poles!

                          OD for mid. He's got a save for his teammates and, IMO, he's difficult to counter. Very strong laning phase which is huge in this meta - to win your lanes.

                          Machado98 #xatubaking

                            I spammed Meepo but it is way too stressful, gets too many counters and requires my brain to overextend and I can't spam, after 3 games I am done with meepo for the day

                            Now I spam Lone Druid, way easier, own the offlane in low ranks, wreck the carry. Just rush HotD and after all outer towers are history your team is so far ahead that it is very hard to lose

                            If they are are really stupid you can play Chen or Uberlord and save your teammates from their own stupidity

                            Bad Intentions


                              Spam your own mastered heroes to be effective.