General Discussion

General Discussiondoes ping matter?

does ping matter? in General Discussion

    I mean, obviously, at some point it does matter. that said, I usually get around 15 ping US west and 70 ping US east. I have a 54 pct winrate in West and 44 pct winrate US east. I have enough games in both regions to the point that we are way beyond statistically significant.

    is that ping difference really important? or is it that I sometimes wake up at 4 am and play a game before work and am not fully awake? trying to figure out why I have sucha huge discrepancy in winrates between servers


      *Can* ping be significant? - Yes.

      Is ping (+/-50) significant for anyone below divine? - No.

      Is ping the reason for your difference in winrate between servers? - No.


        "Is ping the reason for your difference in winrate between servers? - No."

        ok. so why, after several hundred games in both servers, is my winrate 10 pct higher in the west?


          It could be any number of factors. Assuming the first thing that came to your mind is the sole and majority factor is foolish.

          I'll leave it up to you to figure it out.


            I play with 160-170(SEA) ping😑
            Doesn't matter much, till it crosses 200..still I manage somehow up to 350.. then I start shouting

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              What’s ur secret to a 66% winrate AM sir!


                No ping is just a number

                dont be thrilled by this ...

                  ping does matter. for me, i play with 150~ ping usually and with that i cant play certain heroes that need fast reactions. for example i may play puck and even win a game but its hard for me to dodge projectiles with her phase shift if its cast from short distance, lets say if my reaction time is 50ms and my ping is 150ms means i cant dodge projectiles that need less than 200ms to land on target, and its huge difference between me and some guy who has 50ms ping which yields 50+50=100ms response time to dodge.
                  ans since dota is a game of strategy and reactions and timings among team members, so ping matters a lot on the outcome. but ...
                  but you can adjust a bit around it by picking heroes that need less reactions like that and improve your winrate.


                    the lower your ping the better will it be lol of course,playing in 100ms is already annoying in my opinion
                    makes you play bad

                    Pale Mannie

                      please learn to quote so everyone has a better time knowing whether you quote something or not

                      Dire Wolf

                        The sample size is pretty small to draw those kind of conclusions.


                          USWest is just an easier server to play on. I have 70-90ping to USWest and 30-45 on USEast, yet my winrate on USWest is much higher. USWest players overall aren't as good as USEast players.


                            If you're used to a certain ping you'd be fine. Until you go to Demo mode with 0 ping and then come back to your 150 ping and feel like your hero is retarded -.-


                              matter for me, I don't like playing with ping 100+ -.-


                                i got to 5k with 200+ ping and 20-40 fps

                                teamfights were a slideshow, ping lul

                                why is your winrate different on 2 servers? random coincidence, but your brain likes to connect seemingly random and unconnected things.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  How do you maintain your sanity after supporting heralds?

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    anything below 100 is same to me. i dont think there is much difference unless it is 0 or below 10.

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                                      Anything below 150 is same for me

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        Meanwhile, I'm playing on a 110ms ping. Smh


                                          there really shouldn't be that much difference between anything below 100 but it will make some difference. That big of a difference probably isn't solely from ping but it might have an effect.


                                            I play a lot of my games with 650 ping, and while it is playable, it's hard to deal with for the laning phase and critical moments when fast reactions are key. So yeah I'd say it does matter, as I calibrated with that ping and well it didn't turn out well.


                                              I play with 80-90 ping but I never blame the ping I blame my team mates

                                              Chilling And Winning

                                                you have lower win rate on EU West Because there are ...
                                                there are ...




                                                    @369 Now, you're speaking my language!

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      How do you maintain your sanity after supporting heralds?

                                                      I assume this is aimed at me since i'm herald and over 90 pct of my games are hard support. The simple answer is I have 3rd+ standard deviation empathy. I can regularly shrug off stuff that would make normal, average people want to go on a killing rampage in real life.


                                                        It's not a non factor. But it isnt THE REASON to hold u back. I played on constant 200 and 170 for years and now it's constant 120. I even played an arc warden match that took 1 hour and 20 mins with 270-300constant ping but that wasn't why i lost


                                                          The only thing that can really affect the game is high packet loss. Ping below 250 is bearable and fps above 20 is still playable.


                                                            Honestly if all other things being the same, and the only difference between servers is the ping then you are right. However there are likely other factors that can explain the difference in winrate aside from just ping.

                                                            Seems like you're still somewhat intellectually challenged though you raise interesting questions most of the time.

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!