General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I main on Safe Lane or Off Lane

Should I main on Safe Lane or Off Lane in General Discussion

    I main Chaos Knight atm,and I wanted to make sure that I get the most out of my games,I want to make sure that I win MOST of my wins. My win rate is already above average with a 62.5 win rate right now, so spamming him is already a beneficial thing to do. My friends are planning to play with me during the weekends ,so I need to know which lane to take. May someone tell me which one is more beneficial and why?


      safe ofc


        Safe along with a stunner partner.. u can start rekt the offlaner as soon as u 2 get lvl 2


          If you have higher mmr than your friends, its better to take the hardest role aka offlane.


            to be an offlaner, you need to have some qualities that make you viable for that role. it's either tankiness like timber, bristle, cent, underlord. or it's escapability like void or pangolier. or it's the ability to pressure like brood or dark seer.

            chaos knight is a hero with a very limited mana pool, tanky but not that much that he wouldnt get killed, he doesnt have any way to harrass other than right click with, which isn't desirable cuz u probably would take more damage. what he wants to do is get last hits and denies, have full mana cuz using his 2 spells is his kill threat and that'll need all his mana or else his threat of killing the enemy is gone and would make him ineffective in lane.

            so to wrap it up, since ck wants to sit content in a lane, get lh and deny, and represent kill threat, adding that he doesnt have any quality that offlaners have (well let's say even if he does it's not as effective), we get to the conclusion that offlane isnt suitable for him and safelane is the lane to go to


              if you can convince your friends to play an aggro trilane in the offlane you will gain mmr like crazy.

              just pick CK + AA + sk/ogre or some run-at-your-face hero


                that can work too. it's basically safelane in offlane


                  The hardest part would probably be to convince someone to play an offlaner in the safelane.

                  But that wrecks stuff really hard, people in lower mmr dont expect aggro trilane at all, all my Battlecup wins were when we played aggro trilane. They just TP to their offlane instead of running there and then you just follow them with your TP's.

                  Pretty sure that CK+AA+SK is an absolute unbeatable trilane, apart from my undead strengthsucky boi

                  Suck my tiny curry dick



                      ,I want to make sure that I win MOST of my wins


                        honestly in a 2-1-2 meta you can probably run ck offlane with a hero with a stun, but I wouldn't do that every game only if you can pressure the safelaner. Your definitely better off running ck safe though for sure.


                          you should play whatever role you enjoy playing the most
                          if you main a role that you dont like playing then whats the point

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