General Discussion

General Discussiondecision making

decision making in General Discussion
Bobby P.

    one game i was stuck between two choices with a scenario where the enemy team killed our mid at top and went for the tower and rax, they go on and destroy our mid tower and rax while i decided to push their mid tower and rax because we have a creep wave advanced to the river and I thought this could make pressure to them and force atleast 2 tps at base but sadly our two remaining cores has no buyback and the supports can defend and my supposed trade was not made as kunkka x marked himself and tp to their mid (which i was ratting) and tried to burst me and I didnt saw riki tp too that resulted to my death. So im asking, what decision could i have made better considering i have tp scroll on cooldown and my ultimate on cd too (i was using luna) and i was pushing bot creep wave approx across enemy river, my mid and offlane dead and no buyback, all enemy team at our base

    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

      Idk how to help with that, please post the match so others can help D: .


        Well first of all if you are forced to rat, then your team had problems in different spots like drafting or bad teamfights.

        I think that you made the right decision. If I were in the other team, pushing mid. In that scenario I dont want anyone from my team to tp back because that may result in a fail push. So you ratting is the right play. But you need to make sure you can bkb tp out if needed. Especially when they have kunkka who can xmark you.

        You have to buy time in that situations. But it doesnt always work as you mentioned above.


          Always think about how you are gonna escape.

          flourishing new leaf

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