General Discussion

General DiscussionAM blink vs BS ult

AM blink vs BS ult in General Discussion
Story Time

    So the talent +400 blink distance basically cancels the damage from Rapture of BS? Is it so?

    Snorting Nesquik

      Indeed it is, provided you always utilize that extra range. Blink has 1150 range, but with talent it has 1550. The "break" range of rupture is 1500, so the blink talent just manages to avoid the dmg.


        yeah but don't pick am into bs with this logic he can rekt u before level 20,even after level 20 u'll have problems with him


          Yes its true, pretty comfy huh? Bloodcyka gonna catch you and rightclick you to death anyway.

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          verified vexillophile

            The check is 1300. Puck, Queen of Pain and Anti Mage (with talent) can use blinks (or Orb in puck's case) without taking damage.

            >From dota wiki
            If the unit did not move, or moved a distance greater than 1300 between a check, no damage is applied.

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              Aghs or aghs with linkens if bs blood rages you to pop aghs . Seeing bs rupture himself is hilarious , usually both teams will end up laughing at him in all chat . Anyways by level 20 antimage has a lot of ways to deal with bs , it’s before that where he wrecks the shit out of you .


                If ur am against bs the best thing u do is try to have the map awareness to avoid him and split push in ways to drag him around the map


                  if u manages to farm pretty fast u can manfight him at like min 20 if 1v1


                    aghs on its own is useless. am would need to invest in aghs+linkens and even then bs can just get a euls.

                    just don't pick am into bs would be the best idea


                      Anti mage shits on bloodcyka . Change my mind

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        ^ I will, Bloodcyka comes online way faster, he will harras and shit on your team, you will be presured to join fights instead of afking farming your 6slot

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