General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp pls i am stuck in this loop of neverending support role in ranke...

Help pls i am stuck in this loop of neverending support role in ranked games. in General Discussion

    As you can see by my matches, I only pick support heroes when I play ranked. How do I convince my damn team to let me carry and they pick support. It ends really badly sometimes. Some of my teammates don't know how to carry and they focus on kills instead of objectives. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm still a lowly crusader and I play in SEA.

    Still though I have lots of knowledge of high ranked dota games (Watch a crap ton of esports and Immortal matches). I usually tell my team to be aware of the map, farm in areas that are guaranteed safe, split-pushing, and capitalizing on Roshan. I tell my team to stop picking sniper mid and they start failing. Seriously they all pick hard carry heroes like Jugg,PA,etc and argue over mid. They don't even buy BKB when I tell them to, they only focus on damage items and stats.
    I'm the only who's warding and buying them salves and dust and they still blame the support.

    When we win a teamfight, my teammates start jungling instead of pushing. It's just ridiculous.
    Not to mention they never speak english. They argue over the voice chat and I just mute them.
    Although occasionally, I get a team full of people that actually know how to play the game, which is nice, but rarely happens.

    Story Time

      get your self an obnoxious name, smth bold like TERMINATOR 3000, it will give you a 50% more chance to carry. I tested it and it works


        understandable, have a nice day^


          Don't pick support unless you're playing party queue. Atleast until you reach 3k mmr

          Mlada i Luda

            as a support you need to adapt to the retarded carry , dont try to force him do the "right" thing, if he doesnt do that by itself you have 0 chance on making him change his mid in a few min , everyone below 5k maybe 6 are in aoutopilot mode like 90% the time at least , his brain cant accept other commands , the best guide for support in low mmr is siraction slakcs guide when he descripe how he manage to manipulate his deadbrain carry to do the right thing for him, you need to be a mastermind as slacks to do that tho. lol

            Mlada i Luda

              @eddie , yeah thats a much better thing to do , i would say until 5k at least , 3k and 4k are still deadbrain monkeys

              Potato PC

                You don't need to pick support if you pick first (carry hero).

                If you insist pick support, just spam IO like me.


                  io is ded ma friend

                  Potato PC

                    What? My IO winrate disagree. IO is only far more difficult to be efficient now.


                      Mark mid or safe. Then tell your teammate to roll. Maybe people in us servers are far more reasonable but this works like 90% of time. If you lose roll you support if not you carry and if nobody contests your lane you carry.


                        insta lock carry or feed

                        assert dominance


                          You should just mark offlane, everyone plays 212 anyway and offlane heroes give you more opportunities to make plays and save your team


                            u are terrible carry... stick to support or quit


                              Hey man, i've played support position in ranked games. As a high versatile player i 've played all the positions in game and tryied to understand all of them. Now i'm playing pos 1 and get helped a lot with the knowledge of different playstyles of positions in game. I suggest you to play casual games with pos 1, even if you have a dual hc lane, improve your game as hc first, improve your farm, improve your decisions in game (items) and focus in how you can improve your game. HC position is the worst for me, i have a nice vision and concentrated mind in team fights and HC is not the types of hero i have fun to play. In low bracket games basically won the team who have 5 cores, maybe some sups with great minds help a lot, but you will face a thousands of players who doesn't knows nothing about their hero in game. So choose some solids HC and train with no sups. When you reach high brackets, move for sup and do your best! Sorry for my bad english.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                1) buy battle pass and do role queue
                                2) ask for a roll from your teammate and pick accordingly
                                3) brute force pick your hero first like a chad


                                  Supproting in 5k is shit too, cuz this dogtier bracket is full of buyers who all want core :(. Insta-mark mid/carry and first pick like a boss


                                    Support with highpush abilities may work, heroes like warlock and shaman is really punishing 2 or more hc lineup, buut try first pick carry first because it is have more guaranteed win(assuming your skill above everyone)


                                      Wow you have high shaman wr, i believe if u pick more shaman and warlock and keep being better you will go 4k in notime,

                                      If u want play carry? There's no shorcut improve your carry and always first pick carry(u must confidence with your skill tho)

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!