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29 commenti





        Arc warden is so shit we won't see him in pro scene for quite long. His winrate already dropped compared to the end of 6.88. He either needs a good aghanim or a series of buffs to come back and do something..


          SF gets a perma-DD at lvl 20(who gets the evasion tbh. It's good but compared to +2 dmg per soul it's always unfavorable). Of course people will pick him up. And Agh's is no longer just a pub level purchase, he could get it and buff his damage by 40, on top of the extra effects.

          The DarKNovA

            This "ban win %" and "combined win %" is still the biggest stupid stat to ever have been counted in any kind of chart, ever.
            Please just remove it and mention how many times it have been banned instead of showing the win rate for the games where they've been banned.


              "The offlaner [Centaur] has never really found a place in the meta, and when he did, Icefrog nerfed the one interaction that made him relevant."
              What interaction are you talking about?

              El Flashbango

                Most recently Return working on illusions, making sieging with Cent really easy, and a long time ago, IIRC, his ult didn't have a global sound for enemies and stunned on impact, instead of slowing.

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                  BUFF ARC WARDEN
                  PLS VALVE


                    переведите плииииз


                      Arc Warden? What is that? :o

                      Brünk Hüll

                        @El Flashbango

                        Return also used to proc at the start of an attack instead of on impact, so it would damage someone even if they cancelled the animation. Don't think it was the reason cent lost popularity though.



                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            @Brock Hall

                            You spam right-click and stop on centaur and you die?

                            Totally a bug. Good thing it's fixed

                            WASHED UP PLAYER

                              buff arc warden u fuckin crazy ? he's op already, volvo did good in nerf(balancing), kuddos

                              Mohammed El Sayed

                                "63% winrate across 8 games"
                                8 games... nice stats. Who cares about that games if they dont bring money.

                                The Half-Blood Prince

                                  ayyyyyyyyyyy sf is back


                                    Typical shit article lul

                                    OEMAR BAKRIE

                                      BUFF BROODMOTHER AND NP VOLVO
                                      RAT DOTO IS SLOWLY DYING

                                      3k pomoika

                                        Just wanted to ask, will you make Pub Tier List 7.0.1?


                                          I understand Arc Warden is dead. Nice VALVE.

                                          Brünk Hüll


                                            It wasn't a bug, it was just the way they had set the mechanic up to work. By that I mean it was an intentional interaction. I think the main reason they did it was because they were not imagining people would spam right click and stop on someone, that's something you really only should be doing on creeps. So in the end it was creating extra damage than they were intending for it to do in very specific situations. There are a ton of other things that are 'bugs' that make the game what it is today. They leave blink dagger's bonus distance alone, and the mother of all 'bugs', creep stacking, is now just considered a mechanic.

                                            There were a bunch of interactions that used that mechanic that they changed in that patch. I want to say spiked carapace used it as well, but I know for sure there were others.

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                                            Erase Humanity

                                              As a viewer I totally like to see epic long games and I could assure you that in this patch it's very unlikely to happen.


                                                Arc warden is a garbage hero that when my enemy picks it i just consider the match an ez win

                                                Brünk Hüll

                                                  @Fight Machine

                                                  Balance has almost never had an impact on the excitement of a game. The least exciting patches I remember were 6.79 (lifestealer reigned) which was still often really awesome (xboct rocked on lifestealer), and the TI4 patch (deathball gg at 15 min, all tier 2 towers still up). What often happens is the stakes of a match are what make it exciting. Awesome stuff happens all the time but the stakes make the plays amazing. No, not every play is 'the play' but people pull off risky stuff in low risk games and nobody cares.

                                                  That being said, I seriously agree that Dota has crept away from the afk farming mentality of the first 3 Internationals. It would be nice to see more low kill count games, as it would put a larger stress on the importance of staying alive. Kills become exciting again when there is tension built up. And I love me a good naga game.


                                                    такое себе

                                                    chinese sea dota 2 experi...

                                                      No Sumail did the blade mail build first. Not sccc


                                                        I believe the interactions change didn't include nyx. If I remember correctly it was Axe, Centaur and Spectre. I might be wrong about spectre though.
