Recent Clips
Logical kills yarin (rendell)!
Nexus Titans vs DogChamp
BTS Pro Series 12
0:12 1 0 26
Logical kills yarin (rendell)!
Nexus Titans vs DogChamp
BTS Pro Series 12
0:12 1 0 70
logical's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
1:12 7 1 145
Trending Clips
This month
logical's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
1:12 7 1 145
logical gets a double kill!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:20 2 0 131
logical kills Endure!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:10 1 0 251
Featured Player
logical's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
1:12 7 1 145
logical gets a double kill!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:20 2 0 131
logical kills Endure!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:10 1 0 251
Featured Player
Logical kills yarin (rendell)!
Nexus Titans vs DogChamp
BTS Pro Series 12
0:12 1 0 26
Logical kills yarin (rendell)!
Nexus Titans vs DogChamp
BTS Pro Series 12
0:12 1 0 70
logical's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
1:12 7 1 145
Featured Hero
logical's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
1:12 7 1 145
logical gets a double kill!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:20 2 0 131
logical kills Endure!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:10 1 0 251
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logical's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
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logical kills lorelei!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
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logical gets a double kill!
pupper pals vs Witch Doctor Gaming
joinDOTA League #14
0:20 2 0 131