Truesight analyzes Dota 2 matches to provide incredibly detailed statistics.
TrueSight details the exact item build for every player in the match, showing times and grouping multiple purchases.
See how Gold changes hands from kills, assists, deaths, suicides and buybacks.
Color coding and heat maps quickly show the story of who killed who during a match.
Easy to read charts and tables show exactly when each player earned their gold, experience or last hits.
Compare the times players acquired key items to understand how power gains may have affected the game.
Minute-by-minute comparison of last hits, gold and experience helps identify winning lanes and matchups.
Complete analysis of vision including wards, dust, smoke and gems give support players the statistical tools they have been craving.
Compare tower and barracks kills and denies, structure damage and Aegis, Cheese and Rune objectives.
Custom tailored and filterable combat logs explain how different types of events lead to a swing in advantage.
TrueSight is a match analysis platform for Dota 2. After your Dota 2 match completes, TrueSight automatically downloads the replay file and goes to work gathering detailed statistics far beyond what is normally available. Matches that have been analyzed with TrueSight have new tabs filled with additional statistics designed to help you get the most out of each match.
The statistics and comparative views that TrueSight provides are designed to take the grunt work out of match analysis. Instead of downloading and queueing up the replay for your last match, simply navigate to the match page on Dotabuff. New page tabs such as "Kills", "Farm" and "Vision" show you a detailed summary of what happened. Additionally, each match has a detailed event log to help identify important events.
TrueSight was developed to satisfy the needs of hardcore players who review their matches, or players who don't review their matches due to a lack of time or energy. With TrueSight you can quickly understand what happened, identify areas for improvement and move on to your next match. It also provides a great way for friends or other community members to give feedback on your matches without needing to download the replay for themselves.
TrueSight automatically analyzes all tournament (Esports) matches, matches with one or more giocatori verificati and matches with one or more Iscritti a Plus. TrueSight analysis is publicly available for all tournament matches. Dotabuff Plus is required for analysis of your personal matches.
TrueSight automatically begins downloading and analyzing your matches as soon as they are played. Because it uses both the Dota 2 API and Dota 2 replay servers, match analysis is subject to their availability. Normally match analysis should only take a few minutes. It could take longer if the Dota 2 network is experiencing difficulties.
We've made great efforts to make TrueSight both incredibly detailed and accurate. As a side effect, it uses a lot of computing and storage resources. Parsing all Dota 2 matches (there are sometimes thousands per minute) simply isn't possible at this time. We currently have plans to add great public features based on the data from Truesight, such as new categories of detailed aggregate statistics. Plus subscribers don't only help support Dotabuff, but will also be helping the community by providing anonymous data used for these advanced statistics.