General Discussion

General DiscussionFor Admins... (game leavers)

For Admins... (game leavers) in General Discussion

    My opinion is that, like was in some Dota 1 servers, people who leave voluntarily from game (almost all times ruining games) get ban for like 1/2 days. In like 1/5 of chalenges there is a tard who leaves after feed. If you go straight with this people will think more than twice before they leave and we will have a better game playing.


      Play better, and u will get into higher MMR skill lvl..
      and u wont face this problem, i never happened to get some leaver in my team or on the other team, if there is one, we would pause for like 3-5 minutes then complete the game..


        Yea but it´s sad loosing a game cause 4vs5 and we don´t have that +1. So you mean to have nice games we should freak until we get higher MMR skill lvl... And the new players should play shity games? At least put not counting stats if someone leave before 15 min and if 2 leavers on the same team before 25 min. So we can leave and start at least a new game and not loosing time of our life feeding or w8ing at base for enemy team to end the game. Sorry I just can´t get it, on this tipe of games rules MUST be diferent.


          well, then, anyone can get a 5 man party, and let one of them leave, if they r losing, and it wont count, still not fair, if u play better, even if u r playing 4v5, u willl get into higher skill lvl, and this problem will almost vanish and u wont face it


            Yea but ban for one day or two, he will think twice before he leaves =). And make unban section if someone looses internet or pc crash... At Dota 1 there was possible to figure if someone plugs or not... That´s my opinion.


              Valve is not responsible for any crashes, and the bans r automatic, or given to ones who leave alot automatically, its the system, look at this account, its brand new, but same player, i got into high skill lvl just after 5 games of dominance..

              Best way to avoid such problems is to get a party of 5 ppl, and play together, no one will leave mostly..


                yea... I can have other accounts but I have other games on this one =P but ok xD didn´t knew people get ban after alot of leaves, never saw that happen