General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking For Dota 2 Players

Looking For Dota 2 Players in General Discussion

    Looking for very active ( don't bother if you only play like 2 games a week ) US players to start a premade. I play around 7-8 games a day. I'm good with many of the AoE initiators ( ES, Tidehunter, Void, etc. ), I'm good with Dark Seer as far as jungling goes, and I solo mid with SF decently ( I don't always get first blood but by level 5 I usually always at least drive the other guy out the lane ).

    Want players with a sense of humor, thick skin, and people who don't ragequit just because one or two ganks didn't go their way. I've brought back several games after the enemy team got a racks on me so I need players that realize the game isn't over at the 15 minute mark just because the enemy team has more kills and towers.

    When we do epic things I plan to edit the replays and post them on YouTube ( here is my latest one: ). So if you're interested in that type of thing, becoming a well known Dota 2 group on YouTube with a bunch of big plays videos, send me an invite.

    Remember, only requirement is that you're active and not a crybaby. You don't have to be Dendi's level of skill and get rampage every game, but I do at least expect everyone to have decent understanding of how the game is played. Where to ward, which heroes counter which, etc.


      Hey! I'm looking for people just like you. Add me so we can play a couple games. Naftamou on Steam


        add me nafta
        steam: rouge654


          :D nice video



            Vaikiss wanna play ? :)


              I would like to enter the team if its possible. I always wanted to play competitive gaming. I am willing to improve myself and become better. I can take up any role. If you want to try me out just add me in steam. Server US west and east