General Discussion

General DiscussionMy 2 cents on why DBR should be private , or at least can be manually...

My 2 cents on why DBR should be private , or at least can be manually turned off. in General Discussion

    For players:

    There is a public rating platform in China now and I had been playing that, until 1.5 years ago I came to US. From what I experienced, Stat whoring and trashing each other arbitrarily were very unpleasant issues. Things could get really bad, like “I m 30 points higher so f**k off mid, and buy a courier”. I started playing dota2 couple of months ago, so far everything looks fine. You won’t judge a person before the match begins. That really helps create a friendly environment.

    As a faithful dota player since 6.43, I would say that if you haven’t learnt to tolerate bad players, you haven’t played enough… It’s just a game. And I really hate it becomes a place for some pathetic people to show their superiority. Show it in real life..

    For DotaBuff and Dota2:

    Talking about the poll, I believe the registers in dotabuff are mostly serious players with above intermediate levels. We play regularly, watch tournaments, follow videos to improve, and discuss on various dota fan sites. However, most of the dota2 players are not like this. They play really casually just for after-work relaxation, and don’t discuss dota outside the games. These people probably don’t look at dotabuff, and don’t vote. But their opinions also need to be considered if dotabuff wants to convert them into potential users. They play this game for fun, and certainly dislike frustrations from a competitive public rating system, and the resulting trashing behaviors in games.

    I sincerely hope the success of Dota 2, and Dotabuff succeeds only if dota2 does so. Sadly, since valve has been progressing really slowly to finalizing the game, other dota-like games, LOL to say, has pretty much taken over the market. For a game to prosper, it needs constant fresh blood. And dota has already been notoriously unfriendly to new players, as compared to LOL. A harsh public rating system will make it worse.




        There will be no stat whoring since the DBR is not based off of KDA.

        A public rating system is what the community needs. That's why 65% voted in favor. If you are a new player, practice with bots, read guides, watch pros, but don't turn my game into a casual game.


          Look at League and HoN. Make DBR private.



            SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

              man, Strreamix_ncl you keep saying that the game is going to be TURNED into a casual game. That means that you feel that it is already competitive (which it is). So by not doing anything the game changes? But by adding stats, you do what to the game exactly?

              I'm confused as to what your relationship with DOTA2 currently is. Are you not having fun? Why are you so concerned about others seeing YOUR stats? I get wanting to see your own, but you realize that your fervor for public stats is the kind of attitude that should stay out of DOTA.

              You have to understand that STATS are not what make a game competetive, the COMMUNITY and GAMEPLAY are. Starcraft wasn't a huge competetive game because you knew how many APM your opponents or teammates had. It was a well balanced game (DOTA) and had had good community.


                i rly dont care


                  people talking about hon, lol, community and other random shit shouldn't be taken seriously. we talking about ratings here you know? in dota 2 you know? why the hell sould we care about community and other games?


                    ofc it should be public dont be shitters...

                    Sacred Relics

                      Option to hide DBR to the others

                      Sacred Relics

                        Dota2 has a chance to win against games like Hon or Lol, a public DBR will make EVERY GAME an EPeni DBR war about WHO can take decisions and who can criticize others. "Man your only "x" DBR you don't deserve to random or to pick carry hero, stfu and pick support"

                        Sacred Relics

                          Ex Hon players Kstealers knows that and that's the reason why they want so much this DBR, but now I just noticed that DBR will not count K/D/A, so bad news for Ex-Hon players ;)


                            I think not including KDR on the computation is a great move. I support them fully and I want to give 2 thumbs up for their effort to improve this cool site.


                              adding KDR is a waste IMO it will only spark egoistic maniacs on picking on noobs like me.


                                Hmm... interesting perspective. If you have been an avid player such as myself and remember THR and DOTACASH then you guys probably understand where he's coming from. Support.

                                  Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                  Jet Alone
