General Discussion

General Discussionmurs played against navi?

murs played against navi? in General Discussion

    can you guys point me to what match was that?


      This was a game he was standin for Absolute Legends in The Defense 3 groupstage. Murs plays broodmother. Navi does a great job of shutting him down right from the start - Sends several smoke ganks against him early, really beautiful execution. Murs still manages to kill Puppey during one gank with a great juke. But Absolute Legends falls apart and Murs can't get items fast enough to be relevant mid game. Late game does not exist.

      Its best to watch in-game with the ticket so you can see everything. But here is the VOD if you don't want to spend $10.

      I was really impressed by how seriously Navi took Murs this game. If anyone can judge a dota player its Puppey and he clearly believed Murs would beat XBoct without a lot of help. Murs has played a few other pro games of less importance. This is the only high-profile game I know about. Murs often has pros against him in pub games however so this was far from the first time they had seen him.

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        interesting.. it's either they're scared of him mid game or they know they can gank him very easily..


          In a pub game, nubs are ganked because its easy. In a pro-game the most dangerous player or hero is focused. There is no such thing as an easy to gank pro player. There are those who are out of position for 1 or 2 seconds...and those who never are. If you watch the game you will see how Tobiwan even comments on how much Navi spent on ganking Murs and how they can't keep that up because it was too expensive in mana, gold, and time.

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            That is not what I saw.

            1) He got firstblooded 45 seconds into the game cause he didn't clear the trees and positioned badly.

            2) While it's true the lane was sentried, he didn't use the obvious time when the support in the tri-lane were ganking mid or defending bot to get last hits. He had 5 ck 8 minutes in (120ish gpm).

            I dont know who murs is, but he just didn't play well in that game against the Na'Vi tri lane.


              His position was fine. He died to FB because Navi gank was perfect. If he had cleared those trees he would have been too far from the tower and died because of it. He faced a nearly impossible lane and still got levels and tiny bit of cs. He could not see where the tri-lane was because they moved smoked. If you actually watched the replay from Murs perspective you would know that knowing where they were was completely impossible. This is why he was not lasthitting.

              Understanding what you are seeing in a pro-game takes time and practice. Having watched about a thousand pro-games I have some idea of what is going on, what to look for, and what item choices, ward placement and movement mean. What is smart in a pub is a often stupid in a pro-game and vis versa.


                If you don't know who murs is and you are posting on a fucking dotabuff forum you are doing something wrong.

                1) There was nothing he could do, anyone would have died unless they were being super cautious, and even then they would end up with nothing while naix free farms from the first wave. Besides, being a gankable target isn't that bad a thing. If you have seen some other game, particularly one of navi's games back in dota where Loh was playing LD in the safelane, their offlane hero kept on dying, and so they were able to keep pressuring that lane with ganks and eventually the tower (similar to EG's knight strat with Omni), allowing for the other lanes to do a little better with less pressure from ganks and such.

                There isn't much you can do as a Brood when you are facing a Naix that has a level advantage, sentries, Phase Boots and 2 roaming heroes that could be able to jump you at any minute. You can't even get to the creep wave because Naix hits you for double the damage, and your spiderlings aren't going to outlast hit a naix like that.

                Overall I felt that the issue was picking Brood in the first place. Putting someone else mid and WR or someone in the offlane, heck even just chucking leshrac into the tri-lane and leaving the offlane empty and mowing down towers all seem like much better options to me.


                  why bother getting stout shield vs that kind of trilanes better bring some recipes cuz brood farms in lane anyway

                  who needs vision with webs destroying trees thats totally overated skills only noobs uses it

                  @Relentless pls autograph ?


                    'If he had cleared those trees he would have been too far from the tower and died because of it.

                    You get 2 webs at level 1...

                    'There isn't much you can do as a Brood when you are facing a Naix that has a level advantage...'

                    Naix had the level advantage cause of mistake #1. Na'Vi didn't even put too much effort into controlling the lane, so it was pushed quite often. Brood could have done better, just saying.


                      look @ any loh /ferari / yyf brood replay first thing they do is running to lane and placing early web to have clear vision at lane during day time (first 6 mins) idk if murs r offlane player but he could definetly avoided dieing for that fb


                        @Relentless : I'm not biased or anything. But ganking Murs becoz he fears his potential IS NOT EVEN 0.1% TRUE. Murs saw nyx had sentry wards and still went down first blood -> ??? They gank brood mother becoz ofc Brood mother is one of the most fearsome pusher if u didn't shut him down early and create space for naix. It's the hero not the presence of the player !


                          +1, Inspy, was wondering why he didnt just stay back, or why didnt he just check their items,
                          thats the first thing u must do when playing a hero that depends on invisibility as a hiding lvl


                            I know that you guys did not really watch the game. Probably you even can't because you don't have the $10 Defense ticket. Murs did not check items because the gank came before the enemy heroes had ever been seen from the beginning of the game, even for 0.25 seconds, before he was stunned. They hid in fog up to the second Murs moved out past his tower and killed him instantly. If he walked up to clear trees he would only have died before even casting the first web. If he went there sooner he simply would have died sooner. Only a maphack could have avoided the gank.

                            Inspy, since the hero is so feared...not great skill using the hero, you surely would have drawn the same attention from Navi, right? They would have spent 100 on smoke and 200 on wards and sent 3 heros to make sure you died right away, because your brood would be that much of a problem and that hard to kill, right? They would have got smoke and sentries 2 more times early because you playing brood would have made it impossible for Navi.Xboct, one of the best carries in the world, to farm in the lane if they did not do it. Yes, yes surely anyone playing brood would require that much focus.

                            You know mouz-FATA must suck at gyrocopter, that must be why his last few games of gyro he died to FB when 3 heroes smoke ganked him mid. They must have done that because he is bad and easy to kill when he plays gyro. Or maybe, I know, maybe gryo is just so OP as a hero no matter who plays it. That must be why FATA draws multiple 3 hero smoke ganks every game he plays it.

                            If Dendi plays invoker, its almost certain to be a 3 hero smoke gank on him before he hits level 3. If Ferrari plays...well about anything. Multi-hero smoke ganks will be coming asap. This is all because if they don't these players will win their lane and likely get to strong to fast to control.

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                              He didn't check when he standed uphill at top rune at the beginning ?? Well.... then I'm speechless. Not to mention his min 10 dead, too stupid even tide just walked straight to him and he should have noticed from his team's ward.

                              I don't know who this guy is but seems like he's quite popular (even he plays with stacks). Checked his stat and everything and I'm sure my solo skill is better than him and I would have checked that nyx at top rune. Anyways, I don't consider myself as a pro player yet but I'm one the high skilled of course. The pros should have done better than that brood !!

                              Merlini = pro
                              Murs = ????

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                                FYI, they ganked brood mother just to make naix easier to lane and they (the sups) can let him go fast. Whoever plays that brood would have been ganked and pressured constantly, not only Murs.

                                About FATA and dendi, NO! You understand something wrong bro !

                                tango fountain

                                  3 melee tri lane = new meta


                                    1. watch one game of someone against pros
                                    2. find something you wouldve done better
                                    3. place yourself above wichever player u picked out
                                    4. profit

                                    © Inspy, 2013

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                                      I just stated the FACTS. There're so many players that I salute but seeing this guy playing like this is meh. One should have done a lot better as a solo player in those stages.

                                      )-( (_) ) (

                                        one thing ive always remembered is something 2009 said (i swear to god if you dont know who that is you should just quit now)

                                        it was in chinese but it goes something like this

                                        "sometimes you watch a pro player play and you think, well, thats not that hard. I can lane against him no problem and then you actually play him and you are completely shut out."

                                        Playing against a pro team is no joke and it is harder than you can possibly imagine.

                                        2009 played a game with 4 pubstars just like murs against LGD, they picked their opponent's team for them it was 4 carries and for zsmj they picked pit lord. They still got destroyed, and they had a proper lineup picked by 2009 himself.

                                        remember we are in an observer position and we dont understand the second to second decision making of a player while in lane. Maybe the werid stuff that makes no sense to you could have been what is keeping them in the game. Its fine to find ways to learn from others' mistakes but its a whole other thing to blow you own cock so hard that you think you can do better.


                                          ^chuan troll, what even
                                          they had spec, void, PA and troll in dual lanes while ZSMJ solod mid with pit

                                          The other guys picked a proper lineup and got owned so badly it was hilarious




                                              so Relentless is murs girlfriend.... leave britney ALOONEEEEE!


                                                @relentless and how is this Murs better than xboct. He clearly lack of skills, no map awareness and cannot be considered pro


                                                  @relentless, i watched the VOD, so dont just suggest wut we did, we did watch it, and he was checking top rune while there was nyx who had the SENTRY WARDS, and he didnt check it, and if i was brood that game, i would check their items every time they disappear, as they might have got it through the courier, i mean by disappear as they hide in fog of war then come back, so that i check for a sentry or for dust, and AA clearly had the sentry the moment the game begun -.-'

                                                  le charismeur

                                                    hi guys :)

                                                    i went the wrong starting items, i anticipated a dual lane from their picks and was surprised by a triple melee trilane

                                                    my starting items were bad, if i had a stout shield their first two dives would not have worked against me

                                                    additionally if i had paid attention to their lanes at the start of the game i would have noticed top lane was a trilane and i shouldn't have put myself in that stupid aggressive position early

                                                    i was nervous and i underperformed

                                                    talking about the game afterhand we agreed that broodmother wasn't a great pick in that situation but even putting aside that pick i definitely didn't play that hero to the potential that i know i could have been capable of had i played smarter that game

                                                    i'm getting experience and you guys will see me in more games like that soon :D (hopefully with less feeding)