General Discussion

General Discussionbuff drow, nerf pl

buff drow, nerf pl in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤



      yes pls

      i want to see my winrate with drow climb even higher


        nerf ur mom OP


          epic pwn


            i just pwned OP so hard lmfao

            Josh  :D

              Drow is only OP because folks in pubs don't bother to counter her. One stun and she's probably dead, two stuns and she's definitely dead. Tide, CK, Centaur, QOP, viper, and a bunch of others counter her pretty hard.


                u forgot pudge, main one..
                even at lvl 25, she does die from 1 hook, 3 seconds of rot, and dismember..

                Josh  :D

                  Eh, pudge has to land the hook. CK, QOP and a bunch of others have a much easier time catching the slippery little chic.


                    Drow damage is fine. Even more than fine. What she needs - is a remake, that would include an escape mech.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    Josh  :D

                      Nah, she can buy a shadow blade for an escape if she feels so inclined. Do much more to help her and the argument that she's OP is going to start making more sense.

                      Gucci $$

                        Lol, idk how people play drow without a shadowblade quite frankly


                          DR should be removed from dota, r u all serious?
                          the hero is OP, even if she outfarmed and outlvled she still can rape supports


                            ^ SF too. So what?

                            Josh  :D

                              Drow is a complete glass cannon. She's zero threat to a competent team. I hope they let her in CM like they have with silencer to illustrate how bloody not OP she is.

                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                OP can't reach 100% winrate with drow just yet, certainly have to buff her till he does

                                I Am Back

                                  every good stuff have bad background...

                                  agree to the drow as glass cannon analogy...

                                  why nerf PL lol cant win againts PL?? play some counter picking, buy more dust and wards..

                                  Josh  :D

                                    I think most folks that bitch about heroes being OP don't understand pick/counterpick. Don't like PL? Grab lion. Stun, dust, frog, beat, zap. Harass him and get him ganked a few times early and it's hard for him to become relevant. Any AOE like Tiny, Centaur, etc shut him down. Death Prophet's ult (or even her q) make him easy enough to find and/or kill. PA with a battlefury or two destroyes him as well. AM with a battlefury shuts him down hard because he can't even dopple walk away. Tide can also screw him up. Oh, and I forgot axe... So many options.

                                    tl;dr: If you think a hero is OP, learn to counterpick.


                                      Drow with bkb and manta is not exactly glass canon - has high armor and almost decent strength gain. The only thing trax does not have, is an aoe attack. Heroes with illusions (ck / naga / pl / dark seer / shadow demon / morph) can be quite a pain for her, in specially if is played as glass canon.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      Josh  :D

                                        Drow with bkb and manta is farmed, that doesn't have anything to do with her base. Give most heros bkb and manta and they're not fun to deal with.


                                          After level 6, drow has an easier time farming her items.

                                          TikTok Uncle

                                            nah they are fine as it is, op harden the F*ck up


                                              Drow silence should be a single target not AoE or less radius, possible slight reduction of duration too. Slight increase in many cost for frost arrows and slight less of an increase of Agi gain. (last two picks only if the reduced silence not enough)


                                                To all retards saying "learn to counterpick": Let's give sniper 10000 base damage, he wouldn't be op because you can stun him right? Just nerf this shit noskill hero lancer, no fun playing him, definitely no fun playing against him.


                                                  And why are you even mentioning drow in this topic, she is far from being op.

                                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                    Libe Jenkins

                                                      if you have problems against a PL, bring the axe!

                                                      The Twisted Light

                                                        Drow picker, shame on you. PL was FIXED, he was TERRIBLE. Maybe a LITTLE overfixed, but it's good that now we have a carry who can, for example stop lategame Drow or Void.
                                                        Also, you should never PICK Drow, only random her or get her in SD. This way you know for sure Gabe wants you to win today and it feels better than being shunned as "Drow picker"


                                                          Shit, shouldn't have joined thread for noobs, you don't know what you are saying.


                                                            w8 a sec, PL cant do shit to a void, if they have the same amount of farm, or void with a little less farm, just one chrono, focus him, DEAD guys everywhere


                                                              please please please
                                                              nerf this imba
                                                              pick pl - autowin
                                                              need 1 item and gg

                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                you're late 3 months tard

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  Lol. I don't know if you mean to do that but you finally got serious man. Kudos to you. PS to all those noobs : Drow is not OP at all. She actually sucks so hard.

                                                                  TikTok Uncle

                                                                    Cool N-n-n-n-ecro BUMP


                                                                      Drow is just one example of a hero that needs a teammate close to him. Like tiny-wisp or ck-wisp combo. Maybe omniknight/dazzle will make her competetive.
                                                                      Drow really lacks control over her enemies. No stun, only silencing AoE. And escape/approach mechanism is only shadowblade.
                                                                      So, yes, she needs to be remaked to get popular in competetive scenes.


                                                                        As of PL, yes i do think he needs to be nerfed. 4.2 agi gain for illusion heroes is too much. And his armor is like above 30 with just manta and diffusal. But im not sure, Elder Titan is here. He brings down PL armor to shitty value.


                                                                          Medusa > PL
                                                                          Stunners > Drow

                                                                          Stfu you guys, just learn how to play...