General Discussion

General DiscussionBest resources for getting better.

Best resources for getting better. in General Discussion
Right Click Randy

    Just trying to find out what people have found to be the most helpful resources for improving their game. I know most of the proper item and skill builds for most of the heroes, but seem to have hit a plateau in my playing abilities. Also trying to find out if anyone knows a good resource for best counter-picking. Dotabuff's best/worst versus is basically just a list of the most op/most poorly played heroes in pub games. Is it finally time to pony up some dough and start watching pro matches to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Its been 800 matches and I still cant break 49% win rate. Any help would be appreciated.


      the difference between average players and good players is that good players efficiently use their heroes. average players just farm and generally don't know how to play well; don't hold tps in case teammates get dived, or continue farming when they can be ganking and making an impact. if you want to increase your win rate, ask yourself what hero will impact this game and pick it.

      there is also experience and knowledge factor. if you know more about the game, mechanics and practice a hero, then you will have a better chance. i would start with practicing the meta game heroes, theres only like 20-30 so it's small and doable


        If you already know what each hero does, I'm recommending you to read some misc guides on playdota. It's good stuff! :)

        Good luck!

        Woof Woof

          problem is in the way you see yourself as a player and the way you approach dota 2 (after 800games)

          for example i used to play rly well strong focus in team fights, i knew when enemy had cds on important spells, last hitting like a boss, building items to counter enemy and so on then i noticed that winning in dota 2 is pointless and game itself is a bit retarded since that i play like retard my wr drop by 6%
          i have problems last hitting, no focus in team fights and so on and all that just because i changed the way i see dota 2


            I would also recommend playing with some of your less familiar heroes, I see plenty in your list have only 1 play.

            Pandamonium(You Died)

              Knowing how to utilize ur hero is important, however, knowing how to play the game is more important. You should know all the time where ur allies are- I see a lot of mistakes done by people who thought "my teammates were so close didnt helped a bit!" Well yeah, they are 10 seconds away from you, they can't help you. Also knowledge were the enemy is- simple glance at minimap every 5-10 seconds helps a lot. Knowledge when to gank, when to defend, when to tp to help a teammate get a kill and whats not. Most of those things come with experience


                Well, if you are new to dota, just keep playing. dota aint no ez game, i used to play 12 hours a day in dota 1 and i was pretty damn good but no longer anymore as i've stopped and played more casually.

                I see that you play LOTS of bloodseeker and etc pub heroes, maybe thats the factor, you cant improve playing all these heroes.. bloodseeker is a bad hero imo, it gets stomped badly in high level games

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                Right Click Randy

                  i dont play much bloodseeker anymore. He was the first hero i could get high kills with, so i basically was afraid to play anyone else until i got more comfortable with the game. It was a hard habit to break, i had pages and pages of nothing but bs games when i first started.


                    play better win more noob


                      @Grzegorz Rasiak
                      He is new, and he is trying to get better but still you are acting like total 15 years old douchebag adding post filled with life knowledge, if you dont have anything non-retarded or idiotic to say then dont even post comment like those.

                      @On Topic
                      If you really want to learn, then reading guides is one way to go but is not as effective as watching pro games, or just some instructional videos. But remember not to mirror the skill build, item build blindly without using your brain. You need to learn the machanics first, and as far as counter picking goes best way to achive a good team ballance is again knowing the game mechanics. If enemy picks hero like Luna, then you just simply know that she will get BKB, so you need to get something that goes through magic immunity (Rexxar roar or Bane grip). Another way to go is watching a pro matches in tournaments like The Defence etc. Look at the pick / bans, and try to see or listen to the caster.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        why would you want to get better? you don't play this game for fun?


                          @neo (Professional Meepo Player), train on meepo, ur meepo sucks :P
                          jk ;)
                          i saw guys calling out that u r a better meepo than n0tail ;)


                            @Grzegorz Rasiak
                            Sometimes game is a bit more fun when you know you won because YOU did your job well, rather then because the MM won it for you.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Dunno if you watch a lot of live and / or pro games, but I do it as much as I actually play and it helps my understanding of the game a great deal. I find that knowing the heroes is important, but not sufficient. In the higher level games it often comes down to decision making: when to engage, what to do when both teams are passive, where to be as a support, what items to get in what scenario - that decides games when all the players are decent. That knowledge can not really be taught, it rather needs to ooze into you as you watch and play the game.