General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy valve ??

Why valve ?? in General Discussion

    why playing with these ppl??!!!!! read invoker name befor watching !!!


      You bought a poor man's on Gyro. You deserve to lose lolol


        4 LH after 24 mins ? :D , Well his stats seems OK, looks like he was just trolling, how can Valve prevent trolling ?


          This is a hard question indeed. Report system is flawed. Too many players -> too many reports -> automated system -> abusable system.

          Just look at this:


            He speaks the truth. To the Valve, if someone ruins the games, reported, switches to another account and do the same things again infinitely, that is COMPLETELY FINE.

            As long as this game is f2p,
            As long as everyone have 50 accounts,
            This will happen again and again...


              He speaks the truth, but it is not completely fine.

              Imagine that someone (Mr. XY) in Norway is outraged that Breivik ( only got 10-21 years in prison. That is unjust, he should have been sentenced to death. Now Mr. XY decides to become a serial killer and murders 50 people to draw the people's and government's attention. He would say that he should be sentenced to death, because his murders are unacceptable.

              Would he speak the truth? Yes.
              Would it be completely fine? No.

              I hope you see the analogy.

              Pandamonium(You Died)

                I don't see the problem with people having 50 accounts. None of those accounts will have a lot of games, or have a good skill in matchmaking, meaning if u got >200 games, you will never see those people. So what's the big deal? They are trolling newbs? Well, even there its not too bad- my friend just started to play dota recently, he played around 50 games, only maybe 1-2 of them had idiot trolls completely ruining the game. TLDR: get more than 200 games, enjoy lesser amount of retards.
                To people who say that OP has 800 games and still gets idiots: those idiots will go into LP and hopefully u will see them very very rarely. Thats the whole point> u have account with lots of games> u troll> go lp where normal people can't be hurt. Made a twinkie? Nobody will match u up with 800 games account.

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                  Well really in your analogy everyone would have 50 lives and getting "killed" by the serial killer would mean a half hour of being annoyed instead of permanent death.

                  You have to consider the cost of things not merely the benefit. Tons of mods and supervision of the mods to prevent abuse...its very expensive, far more than its worth. Free to Play on the other hand is easily worth the cost of some handful of morons being able to make multiple troll accounts and be automatically and somewhat ineffectively punished.

                  The automated and community based report system is like locks on the door. It keeps honest people honest, ie for dota, it keeps non-trolls behavior polite. This is a tremendous benefit to the overall quality of the dota 2 experience at a cost low enough to keep dota Free to Play.

                  I played in 3 dota 1 communities where real moderators reviewed every complaint and the typical game experience was far far worse. Trolls still got around it by switching IPs, and many many people would do things like destroy items, rage quit, rage feed, etc because the mods could not keep up and everyone knew it. This sort of crap almost never happens in my dota 2 games because normal people won't do it even if they are mad since they know they will get low priority automatically. Only the real trolls still screw you and they are rare. In fact even when I do get them they try to hide it, playing ok most of the game and then throwing by appearing to become stupid during a critical teamfight. They usually have a troll name as well just like the guy in OP.

                  I think I have reported something like 50 intentional throwers in 1000 games, all got low priority right away (I immediately get the "Thank you" message) so 5% of games or 0.25% of players are trolls. I think that's great for a Free to Play cost.

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                  James M. McGill

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!