General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do i get the most retarded players?

Why do i get the most retarded players? in General Discussion
bring back ska

    you had 469gpm and the dusa had 650+. you weren't going to win, get over it

    ❤ Ashley ❤

      Please dont talk, you are 50%


        Please dont talk, drow picker

        ❤ Ashley ❤

          i dont pick drow, i random it


            ~170/~500 matches you random a dr? Thats some unbelievable(literaly) luck.


              sure u random 172 from 500 with 1% chance


                You newbs still insulting each other basing on winrate?

                How retarded are you?

                Pandamonium(You Died)

                  you had 469gpm and the dusa had 650+. you weren't going to win, get over it


                    i still dont get whats wrong with drow picks

                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                      Nothing wrong with drow picking. Drow is like ursa- if you have half a brain, you can obliterate low level scrub pubs, but then once you go higher you either stop seeing the hero, or the you can't do shit with that hero. Thats it.


                        You get people of your own level in the MM, i.e. "retarded" teammates. C wat i did ther?

                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Your top picks are all carrys. You should know how to carry. If you can't carry then it's your bad.


                            low bracket io think


                              I have to agree with the OP... Juggernaut with a Dagon 5? Somehow I think he could have spent the money more effectively.

                              The other team also looks like it was better balanced and they actually had a strategy.

                              Clock had a HH and all they had to do was disable you, since you were the primary damage dealer.

                              You were also built like a glass canon.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                What i see here is simply another game where everyone picks heroes who need a lot of farm, maybe except venom, who, hopefully, bought support items and didnt steal farm. So you have 4 carry heroes in an ALL PICK game. You could have picked anyone, OP, but you chose TW. Maybe you were the first one to pick... But in that case, you fully deserved to play with a jug who buys a dagon, because no matter what your mates or the enemy pick, you take whatever you want- its the definition of retarded pub gaming.


                                  What's with the argument that everyone is on the same skill level? Because that's just blatantly false. I've been matched with people who never join fights but somehow have no gold, have less than 50% winrate, and don't make one attempt to communicate. It's not about balance, it's about enforcing 50% winrate, punishing the skilled players by matching them with less competent players.

                                  packet canceled

                                    low bracket io think

                                    ❤ Ashley ❤

                                      i had a jugg farm ALL game and saved up for blink and level 5 dagon and my whole team was worthless, watch replay


                                        I hope you realize the entire purpose of match making is to keep everyone at a 50% win rate? If you are above 50% you will get matched with people with a lower win rate in attempts to raise theirs and visa versa. Hidden ELO FTW.

                                        You let the game go for 50 minutes and Dusa had all the creeps. Doom makes his own farm with devour and midas and clockwork screws lane equilibrium. They had a more balanced line up then you. There would not of been enough farm on your side of the map to support jugg (Granted that is one retarded build), troll and Void.


                                          Good ol' low bracket games

                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                            rock bracket


                                              stone age mtachmaking


                                                u r good just ur tem8s sux


                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!