General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Guide to Pudge!

My Guide to Pudge! in General Discussion

    Hello guys, I am kinda new to Dota 2 and I want to share my Pudge Item Build and Skill Build to the all Pudge players newers or olders. Let me know what you guys think about this.
    Here is my Guide on Steam:
    Looking forward for your replies!


      useless guide.
      if you want to write something please be more detailed and resourceful.

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        My guide to pudge:
        1) Level hook
        2) hook
        you guys like it?


          I tried to put like pictures and stuff about hooking but I don't know how to put them. Besides that, does anyone know a program to record and edit videos at the same time without being too complicated? Also you don't have to be so harsh, it was just an orientating Item Build not a really full Guide because it lacks informations about the hero and stuff like that.


            I was fairly sure Shadow blade doesn't work on pudge?

            I might be mistaken.

            If you are worried about harsh criticism this forum is the wrong place.

            40% are trolls and 40% are exceptionally critical, and the other 20% are lazy.

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                I think the guide could be improved by adding Aghs scepter and removing lothars. If you have not tried Aghs on Pudge you will like it. Its very powerful.

                Also a good guide to pudge should say something about hook spots. Maybe you could add screenshots showing where to stand and the best paths to travel so you wont be seen.


                  ^ OP, pudge is aaaaallllll about his hooks. What you have made is not a guide, but item justification. A guide to pudge should cover his playstyle, ganking spots, possible counters, teamfight role etc. A guide is sth that requires a lot of thought and time spent creating it.


                    This is why I said that it's an Item and Skill Build and I didn't copy anything from the game, have you ever looked at the items? Shadow Blade works on Pudge and I think is a viable option on higher brackets due to wards and you can snitch with Shadow Blade and get some hooks. I wanna get some videos about hooking spots and stuff like that but I don't know how to record or to edit videos. Maybe someone could help me out through this.

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                      I'll stick to Item and Skill build then, Shadow blade does work on pudge, and i think its a viable option more for lower brackets, its a situational item,and I could always buy smoke to evade wards. You should also have Aghanim, Drums, Radiance and Blade mail in your narrow minded build.

                      I dont even like your skill build, I pump Flesh Heap at lvl 8, and occasionally on lvl 9 as well.

                      Many people dont realise rot is a double-edged sword, if u max it out too early, u will just kill yourself faster. U can think of flesh heap and hood as lung expansions, while rot is cigarettes

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                        Thanks for your feedback! I don't find Radiance viable at all on Pudge unless you won the game too stupidly fast and you can make it in like 20 minutes. About Drums of Endurance and Blade Mail, yeah they are both good but they are situational, depends on enemy heroes aswell if you rush your Hood of Defiance or not. I don't agree with Flesh Heap, completely useless. With 4 levels of Rot straight away you can kill almost every hero on the map at level 9 with the full combo and also you can suicide faster. Thanks for your feedback and I expect more of those to come!


                          The best pudges I have seen all maxed rot before getting any flesh heap. It's important to be able to kill people during dismember and the higher rot is the longer you can do this.

                          My comment on Aghs is for the same reason. Its huge increase in pudge dps lets you continue to solo the stronger enemies even into the late game. If you don't get it, you have to hook the most farmed enemies into your team or they will simply turn and kill you when dismember ends. This limits your positional threat, means you can't solo gank a split pushing carry..etc That's why you need to get aghs and also extend your ghost into and eblade.

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                            Oh wow. It seems this guide I threw together from my spastic perspective of playing Lich is the third most viewed Lich guide on dotafire. DON'T LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE...FOR GOD'S SAKE!



                              terrible troll, shit pudge player, do you ever question your existence on this planet scumbag.

                              Kẻ Buôn Hành

                                Why so much hate, he just wanted to share his guide
                                As an experienced Pudge player with 57.80% winrate with Pudge, I have my guide too :D Check it outt


                                  I had 3lvls in flesh heap at level 10 this game, and there is a radiance

                                  Kẻ Buôn Hành

                                    Dude your game is like super low bracket ... With that much deaths and VS still have Arcane Boots tell me that they have no wards.


                                      Fair enough, they didn't have wards. I was stacking with 3ppl below 48% wr though, so we didn't have wards either, my calls to gank were also pretty much ignored most of the time.
                                      Back then pubs didn't ward as much as now as well, which is why I haven't been able to repeat something like this.

                                      But pudge isn't a dps hero, 38 kills is alot and I'm crediting the feat to a smart skill and item build. Have u gotten near 30 kills as pudge before?


                                        Well, getting flesh heap is non sense, and so damn bad, the 4-16% is not noticable at all, even stats r better, maybe if u had like 10 kills, then it would be great to take flesh heap early on


                                          It is not bad, u haven't even tried it and u already judge it. It's not just the 4%, realistically, if u have 6kills/assists within 450 range, u would already get about 100hp.
                                          And the other reason, which u CLEARLY dont understand is that rot is a double-edged sword, sometimes u want rot more for the slow, not just the damage.
                                          At level 8 i create 2 scenarios, assuming pudge has tranquils and vengeful spirit no boots.

                                          E.g. Scenario 1: You have 800hp, chasing a 300hp VS, hook misses, u give chase with rot, at 85dps/20% slow, he stuns u, and creates a small distance. U continue chase, and finally kill him.

                                          Scenario 2: You have 900hp, chasing a 300hp VS, hook misses, u give chase with rot, at 60dps/20% slow, he stuns u, and creates a small distance. U continue chase, and finally kill him.

                                          The difference is not super big, but which of the 2 scenarios do you think can survive the fight with higher hp?

                                          Perhaps I should create my own thread about this but...


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                                            Well, basically this is all about how "hook misses". From what I have seen high skill pudges get rot and low skill pudges get flesh heap since they are afraid they will die. If you are close enough to rot chase and "hook misses" well you are just not going to succeed at pudge.

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                                            My computer is shit

                                              Only get an early point in flesh heap if you're owning (have a decent amount of kills/assists).


                                                @Relentless sometimes, like it or not the hook is going to miss, and if u are talking about succeeding, I do have a 59% wr with pudge upon checking, u only played 5 games of pudge, who are you to judge me?


                                                  @JonnyG i think that everyone has their own definition of decent kills/assists, but for me 6 K/A is the sweet spot.


                                                    lol I suck at pudge, but that has nothing to do with what skill build is better. If you are really pwning with pudge you will quickly level up and it will be irrelevant since either way you have flesh heap and rot maxed by level 14.

                                                    Consider then for yourself what you know from your own experience. Which is really needed to succeed in ganking as pudge? Is it more max hp? or Is it higher dps during the critical 3 sec + after you have hooked someone? Which one kills the hero that can stun you back? Which one kills the hero that can blink away?

                                                    If you will examine your own victories I'm sure you will find that the problem for pudge at level 9-14 is never that he didnt quite have enough hp to live through his own gank. Its always that he didnt quite have enough dps to finish off the meat he hooked before it got away. Maybe if you changed to max rot instead you would have 3 KDA average instead of only 2.5 and win 66% instead of 59%. Think about it.

                                                    Besides this, as a pudge who is 54-34 win/loss...the times you have really missed a point blank hook have got to be near zero. Its not smart to base a skill build on an extremely unlikely situation you would try your best to avoid.

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                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!