General Discussion

General DiscussionMUTED for one week.. ARE U SERIOUSSSS

MUTED for one week.. ARE U SERIOUSSSS in General Discussion

    this mute system so retarded, some noobs on my team reported me and cant flamee anymoree .Thos noob deserve to be banned from earth planet.


      Is there a way we can help you? Enlighten us what the purpose of this thread is.


        cant type in the game :( so i have type somewhere and dotabuff is a perfect place for it.


          I feel your pain. Just try not flaming anyone no matter he deserves it or not. For now that is the best way to avoid chat ban.


            Same thing happened to me. Problem is I didn't flame anyone. I was solo queuing and all 4 team members reported me after they fed and I didn't ( Now I am muted for a whole day and cant type, ping, draw on map or talk. Seems like valve just goes on numbers rather than actually checking the chat log. I.E 4 people report you for txt abuse after flaming all game - you get muted. If it happens again I will just fuck this game off because its stupid and ruins the game.


              welcome to the club brah

              Makise Kurisu

                1 week? oh dude i feel bad for u :( I've only 48 hs on me


                  dont worry man the next level is 1 week and in the same time u need a new screen after punching the fuk out of it


                    Ok I just saw this and yeah I got muted the other day. Daft thing is I don't even know why. I probably told some idiot he did something wrong and he took it to heart without even mentioning it. Just to correct the one guy above me, you can actually still ping the map like hell. Anyway point is i already formally complained to valve twice because I had been given no reason why I was muted and in anyway from a mid to high level dota game, the inbality to communicate with your allies ruins the game not just for you, but for them too. Ok it's a system and it has flaws but here is the fucking massive one. Players already have the option to mute whiny, bitchy asshoels that are unconstructive, demoralising or just plain awful. Why is it now forced on the team to not be able to hear a teamate who may or may not havean actually viable idea to put forward?
                    I love this game but no offense to valve, they fucked this up...

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                        Just got reported by 4 players who are friends cuz we mute for not being able to carry them to victory I guess :(

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          u guys dont feel my pain. im muted for one damn week for teaching brs how to play dota


                            Well, they might think that they alrdy know enough and don't need anyone to teach them :/


                              Be smart and just make a new account with one of your dota invites....


                                no man im playing in first 10 pages and played with alot of pro players, i dont wanna restart everything.