General Discussion

General DiscussionUS EAST and/or WEST!! ADD ME

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John Gotti

    I'm a mediocre player. Level 21 on Dota 2, almost 50% win rate in about 400 games, about 3-4 years of dota. I mainly play carry type heroes. I can play tank and support. just not as well. Got a mic. VERY AGGRESSIVE and competitive. If you're looking for an ally, look no further!


      do you play in very high bracket?
      would you be willing to play 5th for a 3800-4400 team?


        Had a brief look at ur DB profile. U are really bad carry farmer=) Try another role=)


          maybe i should take that back.
          this fella says he's level 21 on Dota 2 zzz....


            He seems honest and I like his name. Just like he said "mediocre player who plays carry and is very (too) aggressive." This guy will probably get better. He can correctly evaluate himself.

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              Ares, I've got a group of friends that usually play in the evening. As long as your chill and have a sense of humor we're always looking for more people to MM with. We mostly play SD/RD unless we get a 5 stack and then we'll do some CM

              John Gotti

                Yes, I can be a bad farmer if my team sucks. I've been in so many games where EVERYONE, and I mean everyone picks a carry. I may not be the "best" carry, but I'm wiling to learn. I've started to watch replays of other people carrying and farming a lot more than I have. But, can they play as a team? I'm playing more consistent, now. Like 40-50 cs at 10min, gank some around 20min I try to get 100cs.

                Yes, I'm lvl21.

                thanks for the compliment!

                I sent you a friend request. I can handle SD/RD pretty well.


                  Accepted, I probably be on this evening after work so maybe I'll see you then