General Discussion

General DiscussionAs every retard does

As every retard does in General Discussion
    This retard, smurfed, got into top 50, then abandoned this account and went to his old account

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      Players must play a minimum of 200 games and be active within 30 days to qualify for the top player rankings.
      He will have to play a game every 30 days to stay there.
      Also, butthurt,butthurt everywhere.


        stack every games and got into top 50 is easy.
        But why are you so mad bro ?

        Ming (Zufälliger König)

          u mad

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            look at me, i used to be 47%, now im 50.44
            slowly climbing


              thats my account and i play with whatever i want. how does this make you mad?

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                If I had one dollar for every new player that ragequit the game and started playing LoL due to smurfs owning them like it's some kind of accomplishment...


                  OP you also have smurf account and I don't understand: are you angry about smurfing to get into top 50 or just smurfing itself?

                  Yes, that's what I think also.


                    Haha, I made this to train on some heroes only, meepo, chen, visage, Io, not to own noobs, and I stack, but with low skilled players, and my mission isn't to get a high winrate, my DBR was low on my first main account because I believe it is because of playing with some low skilled players(normal tier in dota client)
                    And I don't go tryhard picks, I am gonna finish my last semester and trying to train my friends on some strats so that we can play some Team games after it..
                    I can easily get a stack and get a 75%+ with wisp in a matter of 200 games

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                      good for you


                        So, u r that guy?
                        Now trying to achieve a better record, my case from making this thread was to get u pop out with ur main account, but failed, as u came with another smurf..


                          this is my main solo q account if it makes you happy


                            ''I can easily get a stack and get a 75%+ with wisp in a matter of 200 games'' and everyone knows that trash like you cant achieve that


                              Well, u r true about that, I have life and I won't do it, and I alrdy have an 80+% winrate with wisp, and it won't get lower than 80%

                              And btw, I appreciate ur main account much more than this smurf, I know u don't care, but that my opinion


                                people better than me have no life, people worse than me are noobs. nice logic


                                  No, u can stack and play wutever u want, but not smurf, get into top 50, and then smurf AGAIN?!
                                  like schrann and D3XTR don't smurf but they stack, and win 80% of their games, against top players
                                  Some ppl have problems about staacking, stacking is okay, there is a solo matchmaking if u don't want to play against a 5 man stack, but u would have to w8 8-10 minutes to find a match
                                  I never said ppl should play bad to have some life, or be worse than u

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