General Discussion

General Discussionmatchmaking is so frustrating.

matchmaking is so frustrating. in General Discussion

    Solo matchmaking is even more frustrating than normal match making. it is like they put 2 scrubs, 2 average and 1 pro and the scrubs are the worst scrubs in history. how does kunkha take safe lane and feed storm spirit super hard after our batrider stomped him mid. he was a troll taking my ancient stacks and making it hard to carry. just straight trash. so frustrated atm. what to do guys.

    Ming (Zufälliger König)

      stack with me more instead of going on 8 hour dinners and watching games


        yes experiencing this to need someone to stack with SEA Server add me,
        before my win rate was 52% now it drop to 49.09%


          Any one can add me up and stack games? I must admit I'm not extremely good

          Autism is great

            dota 2/hats simulator 2 mm punishes good players
            thats why you should quit trying to improve/win and just start playing like brainless retard
            call mid go 0/5 in 7minutes! always pick 5th carry if you end up as support always save skills for ks`s < thanks valve > after a few weeks
            your skill is going to drop really hard <-> you wont give a single fuck about outcome nor hats simulator 2 and suddenly you are between 7/8 likeminded people +1/2 players that believe winning might put them amongst other good players /haha

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            Sōu ka

              MM is fucking hard