General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking System

Matchmaking System in General Discussion

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I would really like to find out, how in the world Dota2 matchmakes players. Some says it's wins, some, number of games played. But it really boggles my mind how we can get matched with players that feel like they're on a whole different league.

    Could I suggest implementing a PSR (Public Skill Rating) system so that players can actually get matched with players that have similar abilities? Or have an option for "Casual Games" or "Ranked".


      Sure you can suggest. But this is not the place where any developer will ever read your post. is full of MM suggestions. Will Valve do something about it? Noone knows.

      Woof Woof

        its soo complicated i dont even know where to start
        first of all its some next level shit
        this great new mm developed by genius Eric Tams literally takes into account every important aspect of game ie; amount of letters in your name, how much did u spend on dota 2, your average ping in last month and virtual distance traveled this week and boom next level alghoritm comes into play and you get your mmr

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          no shut up fuckwit

          Woof Woof

            keep stacking with queers bro


              sorry you dont got friends to play dota with

              Woof Woof

                abusing broken mm Please son


                  It's actually very simple.
                  If you have the same number of wins and loses, you have 49% chance to get stomped, 49% chance to stomp and 2% chance to get a balanced game. If you have more wins than loses, the bigger the difference between them, the bigger the chance to get stomped and vice versa.


                    And what would you do when a "high ranked" player wants to learn to play meepo? Or wants to learn to play wisp and the opponents pick nyx? Wont you get stomped?


                      Then your chance to stomp in the next game will double.


                        Well, thanks for the input anyway guys!


                          Matchmaking is based on your MMR, which at this point is not public. It will be possible to see if you want at some point, but not until Valve is satisfied that they have the algorithm perfected. In Valve time this probably means after all heroes are done...maybe this year.

                          Team matchmaking is already public. But of course team MMR is much easier to get right.

                          MMR is based on strength of schedule vs record. Winning difficult games your MMR goes up a large amount; losing easy games your MMR goes down a large amount. Winning easy games your MMR goes up a small amount, losing hard games your MMR goes down a small about...these last two can be so small that it has no effect...for example.

                          One of my teams HLG started at about 3900 and has gone up to 3990 over 9 games with 8-1 record. The starting team MMR was based on our average personal, hidden, MMR. When we lost to a 4500 rated team we lost only 2 points. When we beat a 3200 rated team we gained zero points. When we beat a 4200 team we gained 22 points. When we beat a 3600 rated team we gained 2 points.

                          With team MMR its simple because there is only one mode (captains) and its always the same team composition. But with personal MMR there are tons of modes and whether you win or lose mostly depends on other people.

                          There are two options when doing matching for a 5v5 games of individuals. One is to restrict teams so that you can't que with people who have a very different MMR than you. This way the only people in your games would be very similar to you in experience and skill, but you would not be able to play with your friends. The other option is to allow the freedom to que with whoever you want, but then you might, and often do have high skilled and low skilled players in the same game.

                          Valve decided to go with the freedom option. This means that if you que into the regular matchmaking you might go against a team with two opponents near your level and two far below and one far above...your team will also have two players far below you and one far above. And some people like to complain about the weak players on their team and ignore the fact that the other team has players just as weak.

                          If you que into Solo Only matches then everyone will have similar MMR, however these matches also tend to be players who either are bad at making friends or bad at teamwork...for some reason they don't have other people to play with.

                          Besides this player skill varies dramatically from one hero to the next. So if your weakest player plays their absolute best hero and the other teams best player plays his worst hero you are going to win easily because people are performing way off their average ability to win which is what the MMR tries to capture. Conversely you would lose if the other team picks their best heroes and yours tries out new heroes they don't know very well. Matchmaking can't do anything about that.

                          If you want to really play dota as the game is supposed to be played you need to find a team and play with the same people most of the time, develop trust and teamwork, work on your core heroes, and then you will win a lot more. To get noticed and accepted by good players you need to improve your skills, not just at operating your hero, but communicating and coordinating with the team. Dota is a team game and can't really be played correctly without a team.

                          Valve has set it up so you have complete control of the skill level of players in your game. You control it by choosing who is on your team in the que.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            well i lose a lot ebcause im muted the whole week every week at least a day after being unmuted... i started giving free wins when my team doesnt deserve to win (ex. i rape mid continue rapig but team feeds, i can still win if i stick to them/chat but i cant) so i just go fuck them all. sure my win rate goes down and looks bad but i rly dont give a shit. I know how to play and thats that, stupid people criticizing doesnt bother me at all and they cant report me for stupid chat shit because im already there. And for feed/misuse of spell its not taht either because i clearly do my best the first 20 min to win it and give a considerable advantage. So fuck the system and the players it queues me to (stupid fucks -solo mm btw).

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!