General Discussion

General DiscussionLFG friendly people to play with

LFG friendly people to play with in General Discussion

    hello im looking for ppl to add on friend list to play with

    a lot of my solo queue matches are in very high skill
    i play dota usually weekends and after 8 PM est
    i usually queue USW/USE/EU W

    we'll prolly be friends if u meet the following requirements

    1. No Ragers
    2. No quitting / afk
    3. No feeding if u are playing carry
    4. Friendly
    5. Speak ok english
    6. Some solo queue games in high skill pools which tells me u know what ur doing somewhat

    add me


      I would like to enter the team if its possible. I always wanted to play competitive gaming. I am willing to improve myself and become better. I can take up any role. If you want to try me out just add me in steam. Server US west and east