General Discussion

General Discussionlol dota

lol dota in General Discussion

    after 7 games I finally get a support on my team and then im muted hahaha


      What did you expect?


        like every game I expect my teammates to know every hero and how to play I have high expectations for each of my games so you can imagine the disapointment I have each game lol but I long for the games that I dont even have to talk to my teammates and they know what to do those are my favorite type of games


          *looks at your heroes played*
          I think you might be part of the problem


            agreed lol


              its easy to blame others when you NEVER EVER use anything but a carry hero.


                im an awesome support


                  I set the guy up im with with early kills and heal them and pull well but then they buy the wrong items then I die a lot


                    shut up


                      so jing, after sucking murs and co. dicks u got to play a couple of games with them?
                      wut is next?
                      sell ur mom?


                        show me the post of me slurpping and i'll put my mom up for auction


                          It looks like you need to adjust your expectations to reality.

                          As far as I can tell from stats, without actually watching your games you appear to be a slightly above average dota player. You play about half your games in Normal and half in High bracket. Many of the players in your games will not really understand how to correctly play a role or handle map control or do a good job on lane control.

                          It looks like you are best at aggressive ganking heroes and like to tower dive for kills and snowball to win. I recommend playing solo matches whenever you can and keep on the lookout for players near your skill level who fill other roles that you don't enjoy. Try to make friends with anyone who works well with you and don't worry about the games where things don't work out.

                          I would recommend focusing on the aggressive ganker role that you enjoy and don't put to much effort into trying support. It doesn't seem to suit you. None of your support heroes are winning for you.

                          Build up a list of people to play with. Dota is a team game. If you want to really play it to full enjoyment you need to get a team.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            It is just u and other fans are trying to defend them in any possible way while they are enjoying their day without giving a damn about wut is written in this forum


                              how am i trying to defend anyone LOL




                                  or are you just flustered because your eurofriends can only resort to spamming "44% w/r with qop lelelelel" to protect their tiny little egos inflated by picking wisp and losing with nyx assassin


                                    they aren't my friends, but u guys think US servers are too hard, only if u r toptoptoptop US player, and u solo que, then the game would be hard, but if u r some scrub with a 53% and play on US server then u might get to play against Grimo




                                        yes I love to play with many kills I like the concept of map control and preventing my enemy of not being able to get any gold and I am a great support player I just hanvent played with many people who know how to carry well.. hell I never died with chen lol but seriously if I have a good team it doesnt matter my hero I wont die


                                          you are a slark lycan drow player, wtf are you talking about? i am a support player and i hate ppl like you, dont know how to play, think that killing or being carry is "the best" and fail at csing... look at you stats, how can you demand support, if you dont know how to farm?


                                            I farm off kills noob and I do like to support but I like to balance my wins and losses like I said when I play support my team dont know shit stupid fuck


                                              being carry is the best because it puts the power of winning the game in your hands better than any other role


                                                it does not mean I dont like playing other classes except some are harder to win once again with a bad team