General Discussion

General DiscussionLOOKING FOR TEAM [SEA] pinoy for DOTA 2 online tournament

LOOKING FOR TEAM [SEA] pinoy for DOTA 2 online tournament in General Discussion

    I'm looking for a team here in Philippines that can join online tournament and have time to practice.

    Steam: kyo1130 or PH_Kyo-werty
    Playtime: 1pm onwards
    Role: I can play hitter, tri-hit, carry, farmer, even support (but hate to put wards lol)
    I can adjust my role for the team.


      39% is just ouch

      vapour trail

        What's a hitter lol



          Sōu ka

            putting wards regularly upsets me greatly, too

            Ming (Zufälliger König)

              whats a hitter LOL

              Spinach Rag

                I know, right? Wards are for carries.

                tveni tveni

                  why is everybody who is looking for a team on this site sub 50% win

                  you cant even grasp how awful you are, can you

                  tri-hit what the fuck


                    you'll be surprised how many retarded pinoys there are.

                    tough coockie

                      hitter/carry is the same. just dont know what tri-hit is. your wr is terrible. go practice some badly needed it ^^


                        y'all can't grasp the concept of the tri-hit get on his level

                        ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                          even i am better then your smruffed account.

                          packet canceled

                            hitter = carry
                            tri-hitter = carry or primary farmer in trilane

                            pinoys too next lvl


                            ❤ Ashley ❤

                              go back to LoL


                                Can I play if I promise to build Linken, BKB, and FS on every hero?

                                POS5 Specialist

                                  Name : K.I.N.G
                                  Role : Offlane, Support, Solo Mid.
                                  Played 6years DotA joined many dota tournament and knocked out many times.
                                  Add me if you still need members.

                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                    are you serious


                                      Exactly wut I thought of